So this is where the next part about twist rate, seating depth, mag length, and ideal velocity come in. In this case think about the 156 in 6.5cm. You need a faster 1:7 twist ideally which isn’t normal. Going to have to seat it deeper for chamber and mag length issues which isn’t ideal for precision. Might have to throat the chamber longer. Lower velocity around the low to mid 2600s which is much slower for the average creedmoor. This combo though supposedly shoots amazingly but it is decently far outside the norm of anything factory. Some times there is the perfect heavy bullet but no cartridge yet. Litz talks about this with the 300WM vs 300 PRC and creating the 215. So overcoming those same variables with a given, heavier for caliber, 6mm and then is the performance actually worth it or there at all. Just saying there are other reasons involved. And I say all this while shooting a 25CM 1:7 with 134 ELDs.