How do grizzly bears taste?


Jun 1, 2022
The natives in southwestern Alaska won’t eat coastal brownies. That should tell you all you need to know about coastal brownies.

Interier brown/grizzley I’ve been told is decent.

I’ve yet to try interior brown/grizzley.

Funny story:
Was in a southwestern Alaska village and someone DLP’d a brownie. We decided to harvest the meat. As we are cutting it up, this old native guy came by and asked what we were doing (bunch of white teachers) and we told him. He shook his head and mumbled: savages. You are savages. And he laughed as he walked away.

No amount of seasoning made that meat taste good.

I learned my lesson. If the natives don’t eat it, you don’t eat it.
The fact that someone who would bury a seal flipper in the ground and then dig it up 90 days later and eat it won't eat a coastal bear should tell you all you need to know about the taste of them.
May 2, 2016
Reno, NV
Don’t inland grizz eat a lot of moths at times? I know nothing about grizz and how they are on the table, but I thought I remember someone telling me when they were eating moths, they were not very good, but berry bears were very similar to black bears. Any bear eating salmon i assume would be rough, I hit a black bear in the nose 3 times with a boot that was trying to get in the dog door (funny story) and the house still smelled like rotten humpies the next morning, I can’t imagine a bear like that being anything but nasty

The meat is the main reason I don’t really get excited about hunting brown or grizzly, I certainly have no issues with it and think hunting them is very valuable, I just don’t see myself paying the money to kill a bear for a hide… same basic reason I don’t have much desire to hunt Africa… would love to do either, but not enough to pay the price to do it… add a pile of good eating meat to either hunt and I’m going
This is how I feel as well


Feb 24, 2021
I've thoroughly enjoyed black bear meat, but I'm wondering how grizzly/brown bear meat is. I assume (maybe incorrectly) they eat a lot more meat than a black bear, so the meat might be more gamey. Is that true?

Is there a big difference for mountain grizz vs coastal brown?
I have only had one. My buddy killed one up in the mountains eating blueberries here in Alaska. He didn’t want the meat, but I took about 150lbs of it out. We had killed a few spring black bears earlier in the year and they were amazing to eat. I could not tell a difference in the black bear or the grizzly. They were both great. I cooked the grizzly for my whole family and even my wife who doesn’t like game meat really enjoyed it. Of course I didn’t tell them until after they ate it what it was! I have several guys I work with that have killed and ate inland grizzlies and they all say the same things they taste great. Not sure that anyone eats the ones that have been feeding heavily on salmon though.


Aug 5, 2023
whitehorse, YT
i wont touch the ones eating fish or carrion but we had great success with the ones feeding on berries. imagine the taste of a chili with some berries in, the meat is a little tougher than the black bear one but still edible.

still wonder why it is a delicacy in sweden, finland and eastern european countries while in north america we wont eat them ...
May 28, 2018
Spring black bear tastes like pork, spring brown is edible but not my preferred flavor. Fall bear is a no go, you get close to one and the smell will be enough.