How bad do you think its going to get?

You guys forgot that just a few years ago the government shut the country down and many weren’t allowed to leave their houses? Memories fade pretty quickly huh?
Havent forgotten but what would worrying about it have done to prevent it?

In 32 years I have been alive, the world has nearly ended every year of that. Still here to type this reply.
I think just unplugging an going about your day is what has gotten us where we are. my opinion. everyone has a right to theirs

Me to. I would Lov to unplug and be in mountains but we are slowly deteriorating…..Look at all the stuff going on in the some of the blue states. It’s coming to a red state near you soon enough. People need to get their heads out of the sand and help get this country back together.
Here’s a good one. Did you know there was no such thing as blue or red states even going back to the late 90’s. They where just states. Now look at it. So divided…..I never used the term until my kids informed me of this new saying

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The only TV news I get is when I walk through the room when my wife is watching TV. I don't watch TV, maybe some college football, or judge Judy :). The news I do get from the internet is very biased depending which feed I am reading. Two different feeds, let's say FOX vs Yahoo news, you would think they are talking about two different topics.
The world does what the world does. None of us can control world events, so why worry? Just keep the powder dry and be in control of your own, you'll be fine.
Meh, it's always something.

I just don't watch TV or listen to the radio. Honeslty couldn't tell anything was even going down.
Same here, and I think a lot of people could stand to do the same.

Turn off the news, turn off Facebook, go outside and look around. I’m not saying the world is perfect, but it’s not ending and it’s not even close to as bad as they make it out to be.

Seems every news station and source is following the YouTube clickbaity titles these days. They have to sensationalize everything so people will keep watching so sponsors and advertisers will keep paying.

“You’ll never believe what <insert celebrity/politician/company> did this time… and here is a 1:1,000,000,000,000 odds situation that might happen because of it!”
You guys forgot that just a few years ago the government shut the country down and many weren’t allowed to leave their houses? Memories fade pretty quickly huh?
I got COVID while my employer had access to government funds to cover employees' time off. I got paid to go hunting. I remember it well.
Personally, I think the bubble is gonna burst sooner or have 1/2 the country woke and 1/2 the country unwoke...really maybe 60-40% or so and that alone is a conflict brewing. I have traveled via vehicle thru the kansas bordering states at least once a month this year. Usually take state highways and take my time...the difference in people between urban and rural areas is glaring..

stay healthy & fit and constantly improve your skills....

I am looking to move to a more conservative/rural area by end of 25...

Get prepared at home with water/food for at least 3 months and have the go bags packed and ready with at least 10 days of what you will need. This year there have been a few incidents where folks have had to run for it because of natural/manmade disasters in this country....and anyone can face a downturn economically so that stuff is good to have around anyway....


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While I like to think I would thrive being self sufficient, no problems building shelter, hunting, defending myself etc...

Sad truth is one broken cog in the gear train of modern civilization could be pretty bad for even the sharpest guys.

Power grid down unexpectedly means no cells phones or internet for communication we are all dependant on. No way to know what is actually going on or connect with like minds. Freezer shuts off and becomes of tub of rotten meat in a week. Depending on mechanicals, no running water or heat for most. Bank accounts are useless. No gas for vehicles or generators. Mass choas until local resources are depleted or claimed. Then tack on a large chunk of the population being basically helpless and useless that are in the way of the few that even have a chance long term.

But never mind that. I'm taking my electronic fuel injected pickup and machined aluminum bow with carbon fiber arrows into the wilderness this weekend, using electronic maps on my phone to chase elk, unplug, and really get reconnected with the natural world.
I got COVID while my employer had access to government funds to cover employees' time off. I got paid to go hunting. I remember it well.
Same here, got a paid vacation for a head cold.

You know why the Amish didn't catch covid? They don’t have TVs.
Seriously, I’d worry more about natural disasters and finances more than anything. have a decent stock of supplies and some knowledge how to survive. Current events in the neighboring southeast, show many were not prepared for what happened.