Hoping for a favor from Gunnison area resident


Jan 24, 2015
My guiding business is really taking off. I booked my wife for 1st weekend of 2nd rifle and my 12 year old daughter for 2nd weekend of 2nd rifle. I’m bringing out the razor and trailer.

I am hoping someone around gunnison might have the space for me to leave the single axle trailer and rzr from Sunday October 29th to November 4 so I don’t have to haul it back and forth. Looking for something secure, maybe gated or someone with a big shop that has some space?
Clear as mud
Really? It was a joke. My wife and daughter have deer tsgs and I’m taking them hunting in Gunnison. Due to school obligations my daughter can’t hunt until the second weekend so I’m hunting both weekends.

Rather than hauling my rzr back and forth from Denver to gunnison 2 weeks in a row I was hoping someone in gunnison might let me leave it for the week.
Unpopular idea you could dump it off at the visitor center at Blue Mesa reservoir.... I go up there alot to fish and dudes leave their boats parked unlocked all summer long without issue.

Hopefully someone can hook you up though