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Look to scripture. It is the parents responsibility to teach their children. If you don’t adhere to a biblical world view please skip the sarcasm.

We home school. It’s great. Have 3 boys. Everything you do can be a school lesson. And every trip is a field trip. With patience and an adventurous spirit it can be amazing !
Look to scripture. It is the parents responsibility to teach their children. If you don’t adhere to a biblical world view please skip the sarcasm.

We home school. It’s great. Have 3 boys. Everything you do can be a school lesson. And every trip is a field trip. With patience and an adventurous spirit it can be amazing !

I was homeschooled for 3 years during my childhood (Calvert School curriculum, grades 5-7). I then proceeded to graduate summa cum laude throughout high school, college, and a doctoral degree in a healthcare field. I feel like I have a somewhat valid opinion on the topic and I had no interest in my own kids being homeschooled. I don't feel qualified.

Regardless of biblical world view, I can't imagine limiting my kids to my level of knowledge in the different subject areas or my skill level as a teacher.
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so it’s not for u. Homeschooling doesn’t mean my kids can only learn what I know how to teach. It means I can decide to a certain degree what they are taught. My two oldest (11-9) can skin a buck and run a trot line. I was the teacher. They can also read. They’ve read more books in 5 yrs than I’ve read in 40. They teach me more than I teach them. They can speak Latin. They can try to teach me in a language that I don’t understand. My point is that homeschooling doesn’t have to limit the kids to what the parents know. Parents can learn too.
I should have stated that for most of my kids normal school classes I’m not the teacher. I have a wonderful wife that does most of it. I do math. I’m not good at math and one day will need to get help from a specialist from the homeschool association. But I can proudly confess to new friends that I’ve been sleeping with my kids teacher.
I am a huge fan of the concept, so far we are using Bob Jones. I don't care for the actual bible based 5000 years since the Ark concepts of science. Beyond that I am fine with what they teach mostly.

The Catholic version sucks, the Mormon version is awesome. But well it's Mormon, even though they claim there is not a ton of Mormon doctrine, we avoid it.

We also avoid something called Abeka or something like that. Just don't care for the way the courses are given.

Bob Jones is like watching a female (mostly) version of Captain Kangaroo or Mr. Rodgers. But our kids love it, and it is solid.
I was also a product of public school. Had a great experience there.

I keep posting because I’m bothered by the comment about homeschooling limiting the knowledge available to the kids. The resources available to us today are incredible.

I’m proud of what my kids know. I’m proud of the way they handle themselves. I’m thankful for all the people that have been involved in molding their young lives. You can get the same result in many forms of education. It just has to be the right fit.
so it’s not for u. Homeschooling doesn’t mean my kids can only learn what I know how to teach. It means I can decide to a certain degree what they are taught. My two oldest (11-9) can skin a buck and run a trot line. I was the teacher. They can also read. They’ve read more books in 5 yrs than I’ve read in 40. They teach me more than I teach them. They can speak Latin. They can try to teach me in a language that I don’t understand. My point is that homeschooling doesn’t have to limit the kids to what the parents know. Parents can learn too.
Not to doubt you too much, but if you can't speak Latin how can you be sure your kids are? Maybe it's all an elaborate ploy.
I’m learning. Their mother/teacher is leaning.
I was excited when they started because of a line from a favorite movie.

En vino veritas

“That’s Latin darling,evidently mr ringo’s an educated man”
? you sure you are "smarter more capable and care more than "any" public school union jockey ever could"? You can not clam no arrogance and make a statement like that. You obviously have not spent any time around quality teachers.

p.s. I despise unions in general and education unions probably the most...however doesn't mean that every member is in lock step with them.
When it comes to my kids, yeah.

Also, as an anecdote, a lot of the parents in my home schooling community are public school teachers. It’s a reoccurring theme we’ve seen in two different states now.
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Could you imagine being such a weak adult that you couldn't un indoctrinate a child who comes home spouting some nonsense? My kids and their friends do it all the time and we correct them- it's called parenting.
Bonus points if you can argue both sides and teach them that most things aren't absolute.

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It’s easier to build strong people than fix broken ones.
I'm sharing from my own experiences, and direct observed experiences of others.

My children can hold conversations with people of various ages, and use a wide range of vocabulary. They are able to hold their attention. They are not stuck in front of a screen of any type, with all the determental effects that is known to have, which can be observed in most children today. They are not bullied, nor influenced by mainstream "culture" they do not they use passive aggressive language or behaviour. Nor are they exposed to inappropriate concepts or materials such as pornography, whilst still children.

Nor are they isolated from other children, or even other adults.
They are however isolated from cultural degradation, as we get to control the adults and children and broader elements of the culture that they interact with, and how to interpret it.

It works well for us, and our family.
It's a tried and true normal practice for all of human history.
School is the new thing. It's original stated purpose is know as it was written and discussed quite openly, initially.

After the post war era the desired result and purpose of education started to change and new cultural ideas were pushed to culturally change countries generationally. This was also written about and published.

It's something we've thought about and looked into and we've decided that its not for us.

Interesting that meny qualified teachers make the same choice, just like of the few who work in tech programming and social media who actually have children of their own have extremely stricted rules about zero mobile phone, pad, app tech being used and even viewed by their own children, all the while pushing it on others and their children.
This is probably the best post in this thread.
Huh, seems like all the teaching materials posted so far come from churches.

Are there any homeschooling packages that don’t involve religious propaganda, or is the entire field dominated by that sort of stuff? 🤔
Huh, seems like all the teaching materials posted so far come from churches.

Are there any homeschooling packages that don’t involve religious propaganda, or is the entire field dominated by that sort of stuff? 🤔
You can get others. We are on our 6-7th company. There are probably another 20-30 we have not looked into. You can also buy regular curriculum from the sa Place that regular schools do and just do that yourself.
Not sure why there’s so much hate for homeschooling, seems like most people that dislike it are just ignorant. I was homeschooled as a kid as were all my siblings. We learned what our parents could teach us and far more, through reading and our homeschool co-op. More importantly we learned far more useful information than our public school counterparts. We were well socialized, and spent nearly everyday with other homeschooled friends, did 4-h, we were in a large band, and my siblings all did highschool sports. In college we were all top of our class.

I’ll definitely be homeschooling my daughters when they are old enough, public school limits them too much.

Not sure why there’s so much hate for homeschooling, seems like most people that dislike it are just ignorant. I was homeschooled as a kid as were all my siblings. We learned what our parents could teach us and far more, through reading and our homeschool co-op. More importantly we learned far more useful information than our public school counterparts. We were well socialized, and spent nearly everyday with other homeschooled friends, did 4-h, we were in a large band, and my siblings all did highschool sports. In college we were all top of our class.

I’ll definitely be homeschooling my daughters when they are old enough, public school limits them too much.
My wife worked at a quite prestigious university in England when we meet.
Homeschooled children were always prioritised during the application process as they were not only consistently academically successful at university but also self motivated and capable in other aspects of university life.
I don't care for the actual bible based 5000 years since the Ark concepts of science. Beyond that I am fine with what they teach mostly.

Those are not concepts of science. They're fiction, likewise you can't base a science curriculum on Harry Potter or Clifford the big red dog.

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