So as we all hurry up and wait, some of us with Alaska experience ought to try and help out those haven't experienced The Last Frontier. My intent is to not get completely off topic but obviously we have a group here with some interest.
1. If the weather is warm, the caribou may be up higher. Why? Alaska bugs are horrendous. Caribou don't like them either. White socks, no seeums, biting gnats and the Alaska state bird...the mosquito. If you're taking that 25% deet stuff you're wasting your money. That's a stiff drink for these bugs. 100% does well but eats plastic and irritates some people's skin. I recommend bug head nets and bug gloves as well.
2. You are in the middle of absolutely nowhere. When 9/11 happened there were a lot of hunters that got stuck in the field due to flight restrictions. When they were picked up several days later, outfitters brought newspapers to them so they could find out what had happened in the world. With that being said, you are in the middle of nowhere, bring the appropriate array of medications that you may need. Pain killers, antibiotics, regular prescription meds, etc. CVS hasn't opened any stores in the tundra that I'm aware of.
3. Buy good quality gear. This is not a whitetail hunt in your backyard. Alaska can exact a heavy price for partaking in her bounty. You get what you pay for. Base layer to outer layer, boots to hats...will it protect you in harsh elements? (Caveat: you may not speak my name to your significant other and say "well, he said I needed expensive gear"
Happy Hunting!