Hip replacement.....Anybody been there done that?

I wish I would have thought of that. Crutches sucked!

Soon after I got married, my wife told me......."You know, there's something to be said about being able to walk when you're 40". When I turned 40 she gave me a walker. I quickly proceeded to hyper-extend my elbow doing hand stands on it in the back yard. Thanks for the present!:mad: I still have the walker, I might need it some day. Although I also have several sets of crutches laying around as well. They're not bad.

My mom had her hip replaced at 80, and it's been great. She raves about it. Then two years later she had both knees replaced......one good, one bad. That was almost 6 years ago and she's doing great.
Making a murderer. That will keep you busy for 10-12 hours and is pretty damn intriguing. Good inside look at the flaws of our judicial system.
My dad had both his done. The first one, done first week of march and we packed out elk together that September muzzleloader season. He got an elk and I didn't! He was very diligent with his PT and such. He would walk up and down there house during the day for exercise with his walker. He kept tallies on how many trips up and down (ranch style house, he'd walk from one end to the other). He knew how far it was and eventually he was up to a mile or so a day on the walker.

He did the same with his other side. As soon as he was stable enough to walk out side he would walk up and down their driveway. Then he started wearing a weight vest while he walked. Lots of exercises and PT and he's back up and running...(not literally...no more running for him)

I recently finished a show on Netflix called The Pacific. If you like history and WW2 its a great one. Best of luck with the healing.
I only watched the first episode but that Dexter is twisted. I like.

Following along on your journey. Ortho told me 3+ years ago I had 12-18 months to get my left done, and 3-5 years on my right. I'm still putting it off, although the left is really getting painful.

Dexter is the bomb. I've watched it twice. Highly recommend.

Good luck my friend.
Following along on your journey. Ortho told me 3+ years ago I had 12-18 months to get my left done, and 3-5 years on my right. I'm still putting it off, although the left is really getting painful.

Dexter is the bomb. I've watched it twice. Highly recommend.

Good luck my friend.

Nip/Tuck is pretty twisted too, much like Dexter:). You should get both hips done at the same time right after hunting season then you will have the rest of the winter and summer to recover! You know it’s only going to get worse
My wife has had both hips replaced. We were lucky that the local hospital that done it had an awesome rehab camp in place for joint replacement patients. Ryan and Tanya are spot on. The last thing you want to do is re-injure the hip and prolong the recovery. Good luck and stay positive.
Big day today.

First off I finally pooped! That’s probably the one mistake I made, not starting the stool thinner and prune juice smoothie’s until Wednesday afternoon.

First PT session this morning. I’m looking forward to that.

I’ve found binge watching shows while on meds is best left for the half hour/mindless shows. Meat Eater is better than I ever could have imagined. Ak State Troopers and Sienfields cars and coffee show provide good background noise that I don’t really have to closely follow to enjoy.
Blue Bloods and Breaking Bad are my favorites on Netflix. If you have an Amazon account you should really get a Fire Stick. It opens up a whole world of possibilities, even without jailbreaking it.

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Amazon prime is worth its weight in gold for the video streaming and photo storage. And I’m not even going to get into the free 2-day shipping!

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Good luck with the recovery!
My neighbour is 70 yrs old and had his hip replaced middle of January. He just got back from 10 days in Central America hiking mountains and repelling waterfalls.

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Nip/Tuck is pretty twisted too, much like Dexter:). You should get both hips done at the same time right after hunting season then you will have the rest of the winter and summer to recover! You know it’s only going to get worse

Ughh I know right.
Some random thoughts one week in......

- pain and bowel maintenance seem to be the crux items. Keep on top of these two things and the rest should fall in to place.

- keep an eye on ankles. Just as soon as I notice my ankles starting to swell I’ve got to go set up on my bed and ice the wound and elevate the leg. 1/2 hour with ice and another hour keeping leg elevated. I missed this one at first and after my first in home pt session my whole damn leg puffed up really bad which really sucked and made the pain maintainance even more difficult. It’s boring as hell but totally necessary.

- have a nice big gel type ice pack avl. One that can be sat on and wraps around the hip.

- hikers are pre conditioned to be good patients. Our ability to focus on what is in front of us and to blatantly ignore/forget pain pre disposes us to get thru this one day at a time. It also helps us deal with any frustrations of the moment.

- I suck and binge watching tv.

- March Madness is an excellent time to schedule surgery.

Off to the doctors shortly. I get to see pics of my shiny new ti hip :).
Good Luck with your recovery! I had my hip replaced a year ago this week and went on 2 elk hunts in Sept and Oct walking 5-10 miles a day with zero pain! I’ve had 4 shoulder surgeries including one replacement, 2 bicep repairs, a wrist repair, along with a broken back and I can tell you, therapy is the key! After my first shoulder surgery in ‘99, I felt so good after 7-8 weeks that I quit therapy and went back to Team Roping and it was a Huge Mistake.....my shoulder has never been the same since and due to me not allowing it to heal properly, I ended up having to have it repaired again which included 12 Titanium screws just to keep it together....needless to say, my Team Roping day’s were over! You mentioned bowel maintenance....don’t know what kind of pain meds they have you on but Codeine will plug you up like an oversized cork! I learned that the hard way years ago! Stick to your therapy and do what the doctor says and you’ll do fine. Of all my surgeries, the hip was by far the easiest.
Good Luck!
My dad has had both his hips replaced. The first one was back in 2004 or so. Then the second one was in about 2012. He stated at the time of the second one how much faster the recovery was that time around. The advances in medical technology in that short period of time were amazing. I can tell you he had a much shorter recovery time (and back to backpacking time) than I did from an ACL/LCL reconstruction I had on my right knee in 2014. And I was just 34 at the time!

Here we are last fall on the 10th and final day of a successful elk hunt heading back to the truck with one last load of meat and camp. Just short of his 70th birthday I might add.

Well i seemed to turn a corner this week. I’ve cut the pain meds in half and am walking pretty much normally with a cane. PT was pretty clear about that. No more limping. Concentrate on walking normal. Also told me take a rest day or two until the swelling in my ankle was gone. Of course I had to keep up with my PT just not so much walking. That was easy enough considering I can binge watch collage basketball:). Now if
I can just sleep thru the night.
Good to hear the recovery is going well. After many years of limping on mine, learning to walk correctly again took some work. I was also surprised how weird it felt to walk without pain. Keep working on it, and in a few weeks you'll be over the hump.
Well i seemed to turn a corner this week. I’ve cut the pain meds in half and am walking pretty much normally with a cane. PT was pretty clear about that. No more limping. Concentrate on walking normal. Also told me take a rest day or two until the swelling in my ankle was gone. Of course I had to keep up with my PT just not so much walking. That was easy enough considering I can binge watch collage basketball:). Now if
I can just sleep thru the night.

That’s great news