High volume strength training (10x10, 5x10, GVT, etc)- anyone have experience with it?


Sep 20, 2023
I had never heard of high volume strength training before until recently and was wondering if anyone has given it a go.

It sounds like most agree that's it should be a relatively short term training—6-8 weeks and only 2-4 times a week. 50-60% of your 1RM with sets of 10 reps; some argue 5x10, others 10x10.

Any experience bad or good?

This is pretty close to 180° from the 5/3/1 format I've been using for quite awhile, so curious :)
I've done 5/3/1 as well as 3x3 and 4x4 and 3x10. I gained good strength from all of them, but when you do 3x3 or 4x4, you note that your endurance suffers even while the maxes go up. I do strength training + crossfit for this reason, because I want to be well rounded. That said, we were doing 6x6 @ 75% 1RM for back squats the other week, and I felt I was THIS close to my form being off. Risk/Reward is not there for me for that scheme.


Sep 20, 2023
I've been body building for over 15yrs now. I've tried it all. For years I lifted extremely heavy, like people staring at you heavy. It's fun and I love it. As I've gotten a bit older, I've settled into a routine that works for me with a much busier schedule than I used to have.

I workout 3 to 4x per week. I always start with a compound movement. This is where you get the most bang for the buck. Overhead barbell press, squat, deadlift, bench... I'll still work decently heavy here for 20 to 30 reps.

After that I move to high volume accessory stuff to get a ridiculous pump and shuttle nutrients to the muscles. I'll give you an example here for a chest day:

warmup 135x 15
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 to failure

Incline DB Press / Cable Fly superset
80 x 10 x 4 or failure - incline
40 x 12 x 4 cable fly
Stretch between each set by holding your arm out against something and twisting your body

Unweighted dips
2 additional sets to failure

I'll typically finish up with sets of 20 low cable flys at an extreme light weight pausing to squeeze on every rep just to really top off the pump.

This isn't the method on how I got to where I'm at but it's been the best way I've found to stay injury free and maintain a physique.

There is something about high volume work that beneficial for ME. Like everything else in bodybuilding, you'll have to dedicate some time to it and see how it works for you and your body.
That's still some pretty serious weight. I am guessing just chicken and broccoli?