I had never heard of high volume strength training before until recently and was wondering if anyone has given it a go.
It sounds like most agree that's it should be a relatively short term training—6-8 weeks and only 2-4 times a week. 50-60% of your 1RM with sets of 10 reps; some argue 5x10, others 10x10.
Any experience bad or good?
This is pretty close to 180° from the 5/3/1 format I've been using for quite awhile, so curious
It sounds like most agree that's it should be a relatively short term training—6-8 weeks and only 2-4 times a week. 50-60% of your 1RM with sets of 10 reps; some argue 5x10, others 10x10.
Any experience bad or good?
This is pretty close to 180° from the 5/3/1 format I've been using for quite awhile, so curious