Well, the kids and I decided to have an adventure and drop Robby and the horses off at the trail head, then go get him when he is done with his hunt.
Before we left, we had to load the horses. We have the horses on a pasture we don't normally use, so when trying to load the ones he was taking, the other two that were not going on the trip got out and starting running down the road-with cars stopping....and a crazy hunter-guy chasing after them. Luckily, no one was hurt and the horses ran back into the pasture pretty quickly realizing "there's no place like home".
Upon reaching the trail head, we had a good time helping to get the horses and gear ready, and the kids did some exploring. It's strange to see your husband going off into the wilderness with three horses, a rifle and no buddies-only his Spot Messenger.
So, the kids and I decide to stop in this little diner for dinner on the way home and realize the tire was hissing. Thank God there were two local men there who helped patch the tire while we had dinner (lucky us). I was blessed and humbled as to how they just dropped everything to help a lady and her three young children. If we had not stopped for dinner, we would have been stranded on the side of the road.... God bless those men at the diner!
And finally, I was almost home and realized I had left the house key.... in the house..... so had to run around to family members who had a spare key to get us in.
Long story, but the moral is one that Robby has told me for years... "It takes a lot of work to have fun!".