What have you done for it so far? Were you in a boot or non-weightbearing at any point?
8 weeks out I'd expect that ankle to be stiff and weak, but you should be able to start working on more aggressive stretches to get it loosened up. Taping or bracing for a high ankle sprain is tough because you need to limit dorsiflexion more than the inversion or eversion you'd need to with a regular ankle sprain. And if you limit it enough to help you won't have much motion available to climb. Some good boots will probably give you enough support, especially if you get some boots designed for the mountains.
The good news is that you've got enough time to get some range of motion and build up some strength before September gets here, but you need to get started this week. Uphill is going to be tough if you don't get full range of motion. Trekking poles will help give you some stability and help protect it a little.