High Ankle Sprain for the win!!


Dec 6, 2015
Suffered a pretty severe high ankle sprain riding my dirt bike about 8 weeks ago, fast forward to today and I’m pretty nervous about September especially if I down something since I’m solo this fall, any you guys on here have experiences with good braces that might help me get through September and October?
I wouldn't put a brace on it yet. I would go get some physical therapy and exercise it, if ready, to build strength.

Then have a brace for during season or just tape it and wear decently high boot.

If there isn't any permanent damage, you should be able to get it into shape by September.
in the market for a new pair of boots? i think kennetrek has some with ankle support inserts,
I would second PT. Tape or a bandage wrap is all I can fit in my tall boots (Zamberlan 980). That should be all you need when the time comes.

If you don't already have good trekking poles, now is the time. They work wonders on keeping you stable under load.

I have had a few bad ankle sprains before. I would do PT and work to strengthening it before your hunt. You should see a lot of progress before then, especially since the sprain was almost two months ago already. On the hunt I would make sure you have trekking poles and athletic tape. With the tape, I would watch some videos on how to properly tape yourself up beforehand, if you do it correctly it will be almost as good as a lighter level brace, but way cheaper.
What have you done for it so far? Were you in a boot or non-weightbearing at any point?

8 weeks out I'd expect that ankle to be stiff and weak, but you should be able to start working on more aggressive stretches to get it loosened up. Taping or bracing for a high ankle sprain is tough because you need to limit dorsiflexion more than the inversion or eversion you'd need to with a regular ankle sprain. And if you limit it enough to help you won't have much motion available to climb. Some good boots will probably give you enough support, especially if you get some boots designed for the mountains.

The good news is that you've got enough time to get some range of motion and build up some strength before September gets here, but you need to get started this week. Uphill is going to be tough if you don't get full range of motion. Trekking poles will help give you some stability and help protect it a little.
I've been plagued with a few of those (one about a week before the season last fall.. which still bothers me a tad). In addition to some good support via braces and boots, and trekking poles, ice that thing at least 3x a day! It's annoying and hard to stick with it... but it really will help it heal more quickly. Good luck!
I've tried just about every brace out there and the Bauerfeind Malleo Train S has served me exceptionally well. Not bulky, but supportive and feels just like a good tape job. I can even wear them in my running shoes without any issues or having to upsize.
I sprained my ankle last year and all I did was put on kenetrek extremes and I was fine. I sprained mine wearing danners. But if you want the kenetreks guide have more support and they make one more with more support then that pair.
What have you done for it so far? Were you in a boot or non-weightbearing at any point?

8 weeks out I'd expect that ankle to be stiff and weak, but you should be able to start working on more aggressive stretches to get it loosened up. Taping or bracing for a high ankle sprain is tough because you need to limit dorsiflexion more than the inversion or eversion you'd need to with a regular ankle sprain. And if you limit it enough to help you won't have much motion available to climb. Some good boots will probably give you enough support, especially if you get some boots designed for the mountains.

The good news is that you've got enough time to get some range of motion and build up some strength before September gets here, but you need to get started this week. Uphill is going to be tough if you don't get full range of motion. Trekking poles will help give you some stability and help protect it a little.
Lots of icing and doing some excercises, finally got to a point where i can do a little bit of activities, played some volleyball but it hurts afterwards and still cant go for a run or anything so its been tough just doing the stair master and rowing to stay in shape
Have you had any PT or specific guidance for stretches and exercises? If not let me know, I can get some pictures sent your way. (If you have, then carry on!)
I sprained mine last October and it's still weak,I have to wear boots all the time, if I don't I always feel like it's going to roll again.IMG_20191014_011227148.jpgIMG_20191014_011232575.jpg
Something else you may consider for PT is swimming. I’ve suffered one of those before a cruise and after swimming around in the water for an afternoon my ankle felt SO much better. This was probably 2-4 weeks after the initial injury and for the first two weeks I was in a boot and could barely walk without it. Just another method of PT imo