Help with your method on load development


Jan 17, 2018
St. Joseph, Missouri
I am new to reloading and tried to do what I thought I should do with a pressure/velocity ladder test. I looked for nodes then loaded some groups in the middle for group size and ES. I was almost there. I had 5 shots to go and got over pressure. I have since redid a small ladder group and loaded groups in the new node to find accuracy and ES went to hell.

With the advice of people on here and other sites I cleaned my gun very well last night. I also cleaned the chamber very well as all. Its amazing the amount of carbon that came out of the chamber. I am also at 149 rounds down the barrel and have seen my barrel speed up.

Since I am starting fresh with a clean gun, what do you recommend me doing for load development?


Sep 26, 2018
I didn’t see what distance you were shooting at? To do a proper ladder test the distance must be at a min of 200 yards and further is preferable.

Since you have a chrono I would skip the ladder test and load a set seating depth that you prefer, .01, .02 etc off the lands. I would then load up in groups of 3 but preferable groups of 5 in charges that are .5gr different. Once you find the lowest ES then start messing with seating depth to fine tune Or load in .2gr increments first to see if you can lower it more before adj seating depth.

Also since you just cleaned I’d shoot 5 or 10 shots before doing any testing.


Jan 14, 2020
Western Washington
I’m old school, I use new or once fired brass, I measure and keep my brass at a once fired shoulder ( make sure it chambers easy) . Chamfer the necks and make sure pockets are good. I stay with powders that are temp stable. Use bullets designed for the speed and twist. I start 20 thousands off the lands unless it’s recommended different from the manufacturer. I start at lowest charge and increase by 2/10 of a grain 4-5 shot groups. I don’t try in too cold or hot days. I shoot my groups at 200 yards looking for tightest groups. I try to pick the tightest group that has similar groups above and bellow. I watch for flattened or cratered primers. Now days I check my velocity with an app at 4-600 yards. I’m starting a ladder test with 6.5-300 today with 140 eld-m’s to take to eastern Washington for some long range plinking. One thing I’ve noticed through the years is that I have to learn every rifle if I hope to achieve a good handload. I never use a one piece rest and I wait 3-4 minutes between shots depending on caliber and outside temp. I fowl the barrel with 2-4 shots. If after my shot I’m pointing way off target, I change my hold. I make sure my scope is adjusted correctly. I’m probably forgetting stuff but that’s my thing. I’m not happy unless 4-5 shot groups are within a 1 inch square at 200 yards but I do a lot of plinking so probably not necessary for hunting purposes . Hope this helps