Feb 17, 2013
I'm about 7 for 7 with the shot...and I've seen another 10 shot like that- all dead in 50yards.

Its lethal as heck if you know shot placement....

Have you seen the 12 year old kid that shot one frontal and the bull just stood there with a garden hose of blood dumping on a log?
Yes. Years ago. Videos like that will always go viral. Videos of bulls wounded and going unrecovered never even make it to the Internet though so that kind of thing holds no weight with me. None. Your personal experiences do though. Mine have knocked in the same. I’ve seen arrows buried up to the fletching in bulls chests never leaving a drop of blood and never finding the animal. I guess we all form our opinions based on experience. But for me, it only takes a couple animals going to waste for me to rule out the cause in the future. Lost bulls are enough to make a hunter sick. They haunt me forever.
Feb 17, 2013
I'm about 7 for 7 with the shot...and I've seen another 10 shot like that- all dead in 50yards.

Its lethal as heck if you know shot placement....

Have you seen the 12 year old kid that shot one frontal and the bull just stood there with a garden hose of blood dumping on a log?
Yes. Years ago. Videos like that will always go viral. Videos of bulls wounded and going unrecovered never even make it to the Internet though so that kind of thing holds no weight with me. None. Your personal experiences do though. Mine have not been the same. I’ve seen arrows buried up to the fletching in bulls chests never leaving a drop of blood and never finding the animal. I guess we all form our opinions based on experience. But for me, it only takes a couple animals going to waste for me to rule out the cause in the future. Lost bulls are enough to make a hunter sick. They haunt me forever.

Here’s the important part to me. Some things aren’t for everyone. For me whether or not a frontal shot is OK depends on the Hunter. Not so much his shooting skills as his experience with elk. New hunters come unglued when they see elk. Guys like Elknut or Jaquomo etc are a different story. They have been. at close range to elk and can keep their wits about him and actually shoot as well as they do in the backyard. For that reason these forums sometimes make me nervous because we give new elk hunters with no experience the idea that they can pull off that shot at a bull that comes running straight at them without a worry. Then we end up with threads that say “I never knew elk were that tough”.
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Jan 5, 2024
My son shot his first bull last week, qad exodus broadhead great shot right behind shoulder halfway up. Bull made it about 400 probably didn’t drop 20 drops of blood. Was crazy how tough hide is seems it just sealed wound right back up. Good luck hope you find him.
I shot one last week with QAD Exodus as well. Quartering to me at 16 yards. Put it right behind the shoulder on entry and exited a couple of inches forward of hind quarter. I was a bit higher than I wanted to be but no blood for 40 yards -> great blood for 30 yards -> no blood. Ended up finding him via grid search 6 hours later about 100 yards from last blood (in the opposite direction we expected). Ended up double lunging and clipper liver. The cavity was FULL.