Help me pick a tent color. No, really. I’m serious!

Oct 25, 2012
Ok, so I know it doesn’t really matter. And it’s just kind of a question I’m going to ask to see other people’s thought process on making the decision. At the end of the day, color is probably the last thing that should matter.

So, what would you pick and why?




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It doesnt matter at all, but I am personally a fan of more neutral colors, so I would go with brown. However, there is something to be said for bright colored tents in the back country.
It doesnt matter at all, but I am personally a fan of more neutral colors, so I would go with brown. However, there is something to be said for bright colored tents in the back country.

I like the brown and green myself. But doing a drop hunt in Alaska for caribou in mid September with my wife makes one consider bright red. However, I tend to try and keep my camp out of sight and out of mind on public back country. Lol.

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Most of my gear is earth tone, but I’ve also wondered around in a circle for 20 minutes trying to find my tent in the fog when my gps said it was 10 feet away so there’s that.


Laughing with you. From experience.

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Clearly we need to know the color of your pack, pants, jackets, bino harness, bow, boots and hats to make the proper decision.

I like the earth tones but there is something in being able to spot your tent in emergency situations. I would probably pick brown.
I prefer not to be seen or noticed, so personally I would pick brown.


Last year hunting elk in CO we ran into some hunters that lost their camp. No Joke. Apparently they had already set up camp the night before, woke up- went hunting for the day and couldn't remember where camp was. They eventually found it hidden away in the trees but long story short. If this is you- pick a red tent.
I prefer not to be seen or noticed, so personally I would pick brown.


Last year hunting elk in CO we ran into some hunters that lost their camp. No Joke. Apparently they had already set up camp the night before, woke up- went hunting for the day and couldn't remember where camp was. They eventually found it hidden away in the trees but long story short. If this is you- pick a red tent.
green. It's my favorite color.
Hunter orange, easy to spot from the other mountain or the air! 😀
As a long time sheep and goat hunter I was always about 'earth tones' and keeping it natural. But over time I changed my mind. That red or orange tent is easier to see in low light when you're two miles down the ridge line slowly working your way back to camp--exhausted--both mentally and physically.
That's a huge mental boost, believe me. It's also a stop sign to other hunters that happen to see it, they'll often head to another area seeing that spot is occupied.

In an emergency situation the benefits are obvious.
I like the green/have a green Nallo. I found the green was a bit darker inside when sitting out a rain storm (made it easier to sleep). I have found brighter colored tents stay brighter inside and the red can give me a headache. Just a thought when light is shining through it. I’m not sure if it’s actually darker in green, just seems that way to me.
I like Red - mainly to deter other hunters, and easily facilitate spotting from the air for pickups, SAR if needed. And as mentioned it’s nice to see it coming back from a hard day

I know others who like earth tones and like to camp close to the game- specifically in sheep country high up so they think the bright color could spook the game.
I don’t think it matters to colorblind game!