Help me get over my fear


Dec 6, 2023
Firstly I just want to say this may be a little long, and really just random. But, seems like a good place to get it off my heart. Considering this place is filled with a bunch of guys I want to be like one day.

First I am 24. Born and raised in Appalachia. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s tough out here. Not always opportunity jumping out at you and I certainly didn’t have the child hood I wish I did. Anyways, as a kid growing up I was raised by Grandparents. Too old / too poor to show me how to hunt or fish. To show me anything really. My childhood was sadly spent in front of a lot and I mean a lot of video games. I couldn’t tell you how to call a deer in but bet your ass there’s not many games i don’t immediately excel in lol.

Fast forward to now as I’ve gotten older and finding interests in hunting, I’ve taught myself how to fish over the years pretty decent. Always stuff to learn, but hunting… I’m next to cluess. And im wanting to get into bow hunting and the thought of going to the pro shop to get fitted for one makes my stomach turn. And it shouldn’t, but it makes me feel like less of a man that I don’t know all these things and don’t have experience. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help but to feel that way. I just want to be a person that I’m, and my one day family will be proud of. And there’s a lot to learn in this life that I wanna show my kids one day.

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Sep 2, 2015
Sounds like it may not just be a knowledge issue but a confidence issue, which likely won't be totally addressed by being good or just learning to fish and hunt.

That said, in all endeavors, we don't know what we don't know and everyone started at zero on the learning curve, some just started earlier. Why that occurred doesn't matter at this point and follow through today forward is under your control, no one else's. Own today's decisions as you move forward.

Be honest, listen and ask questions, and learn to filter the BS.

The last step is trial and error. After some trials and lots of errors, success starts to happen and now you've started on the path of learning.


May 31, 2017
Well you can write a decent post so that's a start. Good on whoever encouraged you to read.

Though it's been a lifetime endeavor I was on my own for much of my outdoor learning, not all but most. And every bit of big game hunting and serious waterfowl hunting.

Just bite the bullet and go find a decent shop to get started. Read, YouTube, and practice a ton.

Are you involved in any fitness work?


Dec 13, 2023
Firstly I just want to say this may be a little long, and really just random. But, seems like a good place to get it off my heart. Considering this place is filled with a bunch of guys I want to be like one day.

First I am 24. Born and raised in Appalachia. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s tough out here. Not always opportunity jumping out at you and I certainly didn’t have the child hood I wish I did. Anyways, as a kid growing up I was raised by Grandparents. Too old / too poor to show me how to hunt or fish. To show me anything really. My childhood was sadly spent in front of a lot and I mean a lot of video games. I couldn’t tell you how to call a deer in but bet your ass there’s not many games i don’t immediately excel in lol.

Fast forward to now as I’ve gotten older and finding interests in hunting, I’ve taught myself how to fish over the years pretty decent. Always stuff to learn, but hunting… I’m next to cluess. And im wanting to get into bow hunting and the thought of going to the pro shop to get fitted for one makes my stomach turn. And it shouldn’t, but it makes me feel like less of a man that I don’t know all these things and don’t have experience. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help but to feel that way. I just want to be a person that I’m, and my one day family will be proud of. And there’s a lot to learn in this life that I wanna show my kids one day.

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Your attitude is a good start. Keep at it.


Dec 6, 2023
Well you can write a decent post so that's a start. Good on whoever encouraged you to read.

Though it's been a lifetime endeavor I was on my own for much of my outdoor learning, not all but most. And every bit of big game hunting and serious waterfowl hunting.

Just bite the bullet and go find a decent shop to get started. Read, YouTube, and practice a ton.

Are you involved in any fitness work?

Thanks I guess I got that going for me lol and somewhat on the fitness side. I’m lean but far from in shape, working on it with sandbags and such though.

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Tod osier

Sep 11, 2015
Fairfield County, CT Sublette County, WY
Firstly I just want to say this may be a little long, and really just random. But, seems like a good place to get it off my heart. Considering this place is filled with a bunch of guys I want to be like one day.

First I am 24. Born and raised in Appalachia. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s tough out here. Not always opportunity jumping out at you and I certainly didn’t have the child hood I wish I did. Anyways, as a kid growing up I was raised by Grandparents. Too old / too poor to show me how to hunt or fish. To show me anything really. My childhood was sadly spent in front of a lot and I mean a lot of video games. I couldn’t tell you how to call a deer in but bet your ass there’s not many games i don’t immediately excel in lol.

Fast forward to now as I’ve gotten older and finding interests in hunting, I’ve taught myself how to fish over the years pretty decent. Always stuff to learn, but hunting… I’m next to cluess. And im wanting to get into bow hunting and the thought of going to the pro shop to get fitted for one makes my stomach turn. And it shouldn’t, but it makes me feel like less of a man that I don’t know all these things and don’t have experience. I know it’s stupid but I can’t help but to feel that way. I just want to be a person that I’m, and my one day family will be proud of. And there’s a lot to learn in this life that I wanna show my kids one day.

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If the idea of going to a bow shop makes your stomach turn, it often takes years of going to bow shops to get there - YOU ARE AHEAD OF THE GAME!!! I'm only somewhat joking on that. Most bow shops suck or kinda suck.

Think of it like dating, take your time, get out there just start going to the shops in your area. No plan to buy just check them out. Go on off times when things are slow, see if you can connect with someone there. Don't pretend to know anything, be honest about your level. Beware any place that starts getting you set up immediately or puts pressure on you.


Dec 6, 2023
Send me a message sometime if you’re close to TN/GA/NC border, I’m around those parts these days. Happy to take you out looking for something to shoot on national forest one day.

I don’t see that happening soon but that’s very nice of you man I appreciate you

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May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
Well you are probably going to be an easier customer to deal with than one who thinks they know it all, so you got that going for you.

Everyone starts somewhere, it's not a big deal. Find a good shop, be open with them that you don't know much, but are interested. You don't need latest and greatest to enjoy it.

Everyone is ignorant, I'm just a dumb redneck who knows things I want to know, and very little about other stuff.
Dec 7, 2019
Knowing how to fit and set up a a bow has nothing to do with being a man. Go get yourself set up with a bow at the shop and spend time in the woods. Theres a lot of life lessons to be learned out there. Keep at er young man.

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Aug 27, 2020
I would suggest to try to make some new friends who are already into hunting. Let them take you under their wing and show you the ropes. It would really help shorten your learning curve and hunting with buddies is way more fun than hunting by yourself IMO.


Jan 29, 2014
You're in a good place to begin the journey. I used to work in an archery proshop, and trying to help/teach anyone that thinks they know it all already isn't productive. Do your research - study up on the different equipment, components, etc. Learn about arrow flight and spine. The learning is endless, but I've found with archery, it's much more rewarding when you know how and why it all works.

I'd start by wandering through a few shops when you have time and see if they want you as a that I mean do they just try to sell you something and get you out the door? Or do they take the time to make it make sense, offer options, etc.

Good luck!!
Dec 31, 2021
I can't speak for east coast by any means but learning the woods is an exposure issue. Initially I learned creek bottoms and then slowly learned to navigate through heavy timber. Every trip brought more questions than answers. There are lots of reference books available. More older than new. Ask or should I say inquire where possible. For every knowledgable person there are 15 that think they are. Be careful and selective! I learned more from observation in the woods than instruction from people.
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
The key difference between a hillbilly and a redneck is confidence. The hillbilly is as the OP has described, while the redneck is more "hold my beer and watch this!"

Anyway, there's no shame in not knowing something. The shame is in wanting to know something and not taking steps to learn. Every dude you come across that knows something at some point didn't. He learned.
In addition to reading everything you can here, and watching relevant YouTube videos (better have your bullsh*t detector tuned to maximum), I think visiting a shop is a good idea. Also, make a friend, find a mentor. You can do this by joining a local archery or rod & gun club. The people that join those things tend to be pretty social and want to help others learn. You could even come across some free or at least steeply discounted used gear that way.

Good luck, stick with it, you'll get to be where you want to be if you keep at it.