Help me decide!

You rascals!! šŸ˜†

Thatā€™s not the ā€œthingā€ Iā€™m talking about.

I just want you to know, Robert Francis O'Rourke said he'll eventually take your thing get the less threatening thing.
My theory is.. if it's that hard to decide, it doesn't make any difference.
If its gonna bother you that much if you don't like it after all, you would have hated the other one too.

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Well, I think Iā€™m getting close on deciding on my thing! I gotta make sure that the thing Iā€™m after is best suited for the things I do and also the things I might do one day. I spent all night watching re-runs of MeatEater, Solo Hunter, Real Tree Outdoors, Randy Newburgh, Crush, Jim Shockley, Eastmans, and The Choice. Iā€™m very inspired to get my new thing and do things!

Something occurred to me at around 2:30 AM though. I was laying in my living room floor with my dog ā€œStaynesā€. Long story short on the dogs name....itā€™s really funny when my hipster girlfriend lets him go outside to pee and stands at the door yelling ā€œCome Staynes!....Come Staynes!!!ā€

Anyway, I printed out all the specs about the thing I want and all the options that I could have and I realized that things are more alike than they are different!! I was kinda shocked.

Or should I say ā€œShockleyedā€

Wait till hunt is over, ask things do in price, except pack things.

Remember our grand father's never had such things and did well.

Make sure it's the thing you actually need and not just want.

Not all things are real things

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Oh gosh!! Itā€™s almost Black Friday and Iā€™m hoping my thing might be on sale! I saw some ads that said my thing might have a pretty good discount. Some of the other things might even have BETTER discounts! if the thing I kinda want is cheaper than the thing I really want I might be swayed to get the other thing!

My hipster girlfriend keeps moving all my catalogs around so Iā€™m losing track of my thing research. I even had one hidden in the bathroom that she musta thrown away because now I canā€™t even find it!

With the holidays coming and my birthday, I think my thing is gonna be in my hands soon! My hipster girlfriend is supposed to be getting her boobies done. Sheā€™s a B (more like an A) but really wants to be a D! Sheā€™s been good at saving her money for her D boobies. She had to put a deposit down for her D boobies and is going to make payments. Sheā€™s pretty excited about having D boobies and itā€™ll be nice to play with my new thing (if I can figure out which one!) and her new D boobies!!
5 days until Christmas!

Iā€™ve think Iā€™ve been good and should be getting my thing! I gotta tell you though, money is tight...Iā€™m feeling a little guilty about getting my thing but I think I deserve it. Iā€™ve been packing my lunches and not buying stuff and the deal I found for my thing is pretty good. Hey, you only live once and my thing is going to be my favorite thing for a long time!

My hipster girlfriend is still trying for her D boobies. She spent a lot of D booby money on stupid Christmas things and I told her not to because thereā€™s too many stupid Christmas things and those things sit in a box 11 months a year! Ugh then the things sheā€™s been getting for every Tom, Dick, and Mary...oof. So many things! And I have to help wrap šŸ˜œ

She was upset about not being able to get her D boobies when she wanted them, but in all honesty...I donā€™t think she needs D boobies! I like her just the way she is. Sheā€™s skinny and athletic and I guess she thinks D boobies will make her feel better. I donā€™t care, sheā€™s a hot hipster gal and I tell her every day. And I still drool over her like a school boy! Sheā€™s the best hipster gal ever, and hasnā€™t complained about my obsession trying to find my thing!

We decided to skimp on our things for Christmas since there were BIGGER things we really wanted (literally with the D boobies!). We set a $25, one gift limit for each other for a Christmas thing we could open on Christmas Day. I reckon itā€™ll be fun though, and thereā€™s always so many things anyway. I hate getting things that I donā€™t need or things that donā€™t fit or things I just donā€™t like. Then you canā€™t get rid of the thing because the person that gave you the thing wants to see you in the thing or they ask you about using the thing. Sheesh...

Anyway, the thing I want is gonna be here soon!

Thing Day 2019! Woohoo!! šŸ‘šŸ‘
Using things isn't really hunting, it gives you an unfair advantage and is unethical. I saw a film at a film festival sponsored by the makers of stuff, where a guy didn't have any things, well no things that looked like things anyway, they were actually just a different colour of things, made by the company that makes stuff, and he had a successful hunt, which proves that there is no need for things.
Hmmm....I hadnā€™t really thought about stuff. So like one company makes stuff then other people sell their stuff as their own stuff under the guise that our stuff is good stuff but their stuff is shit. Sounds like an old George Carlin bit my dad once told me about.

Me and my hipster girl are gonna have to check YouTube!