Here's the thing with things. The thing is, when you finally settle on one thing someone else already has a better thing. We say were happy with thing 2.0 when really somewhere in a top secret location thing 4.0 already exists. The funny thing about all of this thinging, is that somewhere, someone has been absolutely successful with thing 1.0. We get way too caught up with the latest and greatest things, when sometimes a thing from the past is the only thing you really need. Now excuse me while I go read a few things about thing 3.0 for a few minutes.
All B.S. things aside 16bore, just what is this thing you are talking about?
I'm looking for the thing that puts giant two point on my wall. Where did you get yours?
All B.S. things aside 16bore, just what is this thing you are talking about?
It’s every thing.
So far I heard 12 hours of Podcasts about things and read all the thing threads and #getthisthing on Instagram.
I finally decided to go with the first thing since the second thing doesn’t fit and thing 3.0 isn’t available yet. My problem now is that the thing I’m going to get comes in 3 colors and I don’t know which one is best. One color of my thing looks really cool, but the other color is more practical and the third thing color is one like a other people who own the same thing have, but I wanted my thing to be a little different than everyone else’s thing!
I’m addition there are 9 other options available beside just the color of my thing. Now I gotta figure out what option is the best. I’m going to go back through my thing reading and see what option of the thing is best for what I’m gonna do with my thing.