Help Me Buy a Spotter!

If you are lucky you might be able to find a Pentax PF80ED in that price range, or a used Nikon 82ED. Otherwise it is tough to find a good 60x view in that price range.

I have only briefly looked at one, but a Vortex Viper HD 80mm might also be an option, if you can check one out.

You might get a lot of advice to keep saving, but I understand that budgets are budgets.
For the price range a quality spotting going up to 60X would be hard.

In addition to the great suggestions by BitterRoot, the Vortex Viper 20-60X80mm can be had for $712 shipped to your door with the free shipping and the 5% off coupon code.

Worth looking at as well:

Or for less than $150 more you can get the HD model, which would be worth the extra $150 IMO.
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I just picked up a Leupold Ventana 15-60 80mm. Ultralight weight (supposedly 37oz) and is the clearest sharpest spotter I have owned.
I would save until you have more money. Or at least look for something used in your higher price range. Spotters are not something to go cheap on. If you are only using it to check something out you found with your binoculars, maybe. But if you plan on using it to pick apart high country, cheap glass wont cut it. You will get eye fatigue or just wont get enough clarity for doing the job. Another option is going in halves with a good hunting buddy. A fairly good quality scope is the Leupold gold Ring 12x40 with 60mm objective. It is compact, lightweight and does a darn good job. It is one of the better quality scopes for about $1000. Good luck.
I actually think the FLP Leupy's are underrated, RosinBag. It doesn't meet sreeker's magnification requirements though. I will say good glass trumps magnification any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

While saving for top-shelf optics is never a bad idea, it is also a good idea to have something on your hunt, and still afford to go. The options I have listed aren't the best of the best, but I have used them, and they are pretty good, and certainly useable, in my experience.

I thought about this a little more. The little Pentax 65EDII comes with a 20-60 zoom eyepiece, and has a very sharp image, but it gets dim (NOT blurry) at high powers. I had one for two years a few years ago, and sometimes wish I still had it. The cool part about that spotter is it accepts any standard 1.25 in. astronomy eyepiece, so quality options are almost endless.
I would save until you have more money. Or at least look for something used in your higher price range. Spotters are not something to go cheap on. If you are only using it to check something out you found with your binoculars, maybe. But if you plan on using it to pick apart high country, cheap glass wont cut it. You will get eye fatigue or just wont get enough clarity for doing the job. Another option is going in halves with a good hunting buddy. A fairly good quality scope is the Leupold gold Ring 12x40 with 60mm objective. It is compact, lightweight and does a darn good job. It is one of the better quality scopes for about $1000. Good luck.

I have the Leupold Gold Ring and like it as a backpacking scope. It is light weight, compact and has great glass. I picked mine up used from the bargain cave at Cabelas for ~550 and have been very happy with the price I paid. Not sure but if you can find a used but if you can you would be well off. Plus, if you have any problems with the Leupold there is a lifetime warranty...
So now that I have also had some time to think, I am going to keep saving. I have a buddy who has been sitting on a Swaro with my required magnification for a while and I can get a heck of deal on it. For all intents and purposes it's brand new.

I believe that is it, and I am pretty pumped for a great deal. Now to find a way to fun it ha.
Buy my Nikon ED 20x60 60mm for $950 (new- ~$1300). Its an excellent high quality scope and was new last Sept (no scratches).

Eat PB&J for a few weeks for that additional $200. You won't regret it during hunting season
sreekers is the one you have a link to is a good one, if not one of the best in 65mm. I have the same one in a straight eyepiece and couldn't be happier.
So now that I have also had some time to think, I am going to keep saving. I have a buddy who has been sitting on a Swaro with my required magnification for a while and I can get a heck of deal on it. For all intents and purposes it's brand new.

I believe that is it, and I am pretty pumped for a great deal. Now to find a way to fun it ha.

whats his number?
Consider Vortex. At that price, they have some damn good stuff. I got one as a Christmas gift, their lower end one, and I thought about returning and getting a different one.....until I went out and tried it. Look at what has and talk to Doug. Great value.
kcm, thanks for the insight. I have put money down on a Swaro though. I will look them up for my next bino purchase.