Help getting my dad out


Jul 31, 2016
I wish you luck and I hope he goes with you. My father took me on my first elk hunt, Idaho back in 1983. It was a high school graduation gift. Since then I have made an attempt to go back, missing a few years due to my career and the kids. We have enjoyed many years chasing elk.
He has not gone with me for the last 5 years, but he always talks about it, and when we are packing he is there giving us advice. And the day we leave, we have to drive past his house. Regardless what time we pull out to head west, he is standing on his porch waving as we go by.

He is now 74 and has had both knees replaced. He tells me the reason he does not go is due to him not being able to hunt like he did 30 years ago. And At the last count he has killed 26-27 bulls. And all were over the counter DIY hunts..


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Agreed, Great thread. Good on ya Jon Boy, you laid it out and did so humbly and honestly.

Like the other fellas said, tell your dad this hunt will be different, it means the world to you to share time and prove that to him.
Tell him the elk is second and that he is first...and go do it!


Feb 1, 2014
There are so many parallels with your situation and one that I put myself in last year. The last time my dad had elk hunted was back in the early 70's in Colorado, and I think he said they saw a couple of elk about a mile and a half away. That was it. I talked him in to coming out and doing an archery hunt with me in Idaho last September. My mom had passed away in May and she never was the traveling type, but dad loves to. He came out and I guess I put too much pressure on myself which caused me to blow up over something that was pretty insignificant in the long run. We didn't get in to any elk, so I was more bummed for not being able to get him at least close to one. I went back and we did a whitetail hunt in early Nov back east, and he made the comment he was just gonna hang out at the hotel because he didn't want to disappoint me or ruin my hunt. That was a kick to the stomach to say the least. I've beat myself up over that since. I have friends driving out again in mid September to chase elk and we have told him he is more than welcome to come hang out and just enjoy a vacation. I hope he comes. Guess we're kinda in the same boat.