Hello from South Africa

Jan 4, 2025
South Africa
Hello from South Africa.

Have read many great posts here that popped up on various searches so figured it was time to register! Looking forward to learn lots more.

Interests - shooting, firearms, reloading, hunting, trying to keep in good enough shape to be able to do all of that and to squeeze out as many good years as I may be given....

Achievements - reloading since my very early teens and survived.

Competitive shooting interest - IPSC.
Welcome. I got spend 9 days in South Africa last June with my wife and kids and brother and sister in law. Truly enjoyed the country. And the hunting was pretty awesome too.

I hunted near Upington in the Kalahari a million years ago. I need to go back.
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new South Africa member.


P.S. You sir (I assumed...I know, I know), have been awarded the FNG ⭐for the day as I don't recall welcoming a member from SA heretofore and that makes you a special member today.