Oklahoma hunter looking for 2020 partner/group for anything out west.

Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK
Hello all,
This might be a little long, but hopefully it’ll give some good info on me, my experience, and what I’m hoping to find. I live in southern Oklahoma. Born and raised here. I’m 39 years old. I’m in extremely good shape. In the gym 6-7 days week and it’s been my lifestyle since I was 21. I’m a competitive long range shooter in PRS and have been since 2013. I ride dirt bikes. I predator hunt. I’ve been getting into some USPSA shooting as well. I love to hunt whitetail. I’m just starting to learn about fly fishing and ready to give it a try as well.

My main and only hunting partner was always my Dad. He’s passed on now and I’m without any friends that have a interest in hunting out west. My Dad and I always hunted Colorado. Usually black powder and rifle. We would take our own horses and pack in a good camp 5-7 miles from the trail head. Big canvas tent. Stove. Cook shack. Etc.... We would then hunt on horseback from camp. We never killed any monster bulls, but we did shoot some elk and always had a great time. Many many good memories.

Im looking for a hunting partner or a group of guys to hunt with in 2020. I do not care where the hunt is or what we are hunting. I just want to be out west somewhere and hunt. Elk, mulies, sage rats, even moose.... it doesn’t matter to me. Archery, black powered, or rifle. I can do just fine with all of them. I’d love to be able to do a long range hunt and take an elk or deer at 600+ yards, but 20 yards with a bow with be just as great.

I have plenty of gear and anything I don’t have, i can acquire it by next summer pretty easily.

I just ask that you/y’all be committed and stay committed once the plans are made. I realize that circumstances can always arise out of your control. Life happens. I’m pretty laid back and easy to get along with. I like to laugh and joke and give a hard time. But when it’s time to get serious and make it happen, I’ll be ready.
If anyone on here is interested in teaming up for next year, or you have room in your group for an extra man, let me know.
Trevor - my name’s Brad. Live in Lewisville, north of Dallas. Turn 50 next Feb. been out to CO the last 2 years. 2nd rifle last year in late Oct and early Sep this year for archery. Both OTC, both years ate the tag. Absolutely love western hunting and committed to going every year til I’m broke or dead - whichever happens first.
I’ve gone with a buddy of mine (Born in OK) from work. He’s 36 and helps keep me on pace. We went and plan to continue to go as a small group, but we’ve talked about trying to pick up one or two more to travel as a group but hunt in smaller groups (2) and cover more ground. We’ve not lined up anything for next year but we know we’re going - just don’t know for archery or rifle. Archery is preferred but calendars will likely dictate the ultimate decision. If archery, we’re definitely looking at middle to later Sep. Went early this year for 10 days and it was definitely too early - bad moon, bad temps. But crowds or lack thereof was good.
We stay in shape and ramp up to be ready for all of Aug-Feb hunting seasons out West, here in TX and in AR for Jan.
If you’re interested in seeing if anything could work out, we’d be happy to connect and see if we all think things could work out.
Also - my buddy and I will go to Archery Hunt in late Jan in AR. It closes out their whitetail season and is a couple weeks after last rifle season. Woods are quiet and it gives us a chance to cold camp and play with/test out gear. Always plenty of deer and great opportunities- we’ve talked about going twice this year, 3-4 days for each trip. If you’ve got any interest in that trip, might be a way to meet prior to and a good dry run for all of us to see how things work out without the “blind commitment” of a western hunting trip. Happy to exchange cell #’s if you’d like to discuss any further. If not, completely understand and I’ll wish best of luck.
I think I’m going to shoot for a third season hunt again this year I could possibly swing a second season if it works out with my work schedule.
I have a Wyoming antelope hunt planned already with a buddy. But so far no takers on going out to Colorado after elk, that might be because 0-2 on Colorado elk.
I am up in western Kansas. I have everything needed to make a trip. I guess shoot me a PM if you’re still looking