Heavy 6mm TMK. When we getting one?


Mar 9, 2025
I have reached out to Sierra a couple of times and requested they consider making a heavy 6mm TMK (115-120 Grains). I was wondering how many other guys have reached out? What do you think the odds of getting one are?
Oh? Tell us more.

I'd personally be more excited for a 107-110. Less excited about a bullet that might need more than the 7.5 twist that all my 6mm barrels have.
The 6um wouldn’t be totally complete without a heavy TMK. My guess is it has to be coming. Just a guess.

Sierra seems pretty good about making bullets if you order enough.
I am hoping they make one. I am considering a 6mm build, and I am debating about a 1/7 twist just in case they do.