Heathers Choice meals


Jun 20, 2017
Going to try some of these out on my scouting trip next month to decide if I want to use them for my hunt in September. Anyone used them before? Like/dislike them?
Liked the chili and packaroons, didn't love any of the others I tried. Was not a fan of the long hydration times, but the nutrition is second to none. I am doing mostly self meals now, but will be trying packit gourmet on some hunts this season

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Good idea to try them, some people love 'em, some don't.

I like pretty much all of them, but I'm not a picky eater. The only backpacking food I really disliked was the Mountain House eggs - those things make me want to vomit ;)

But, long Hydration times as mentioned or they stay a little chewier than what you'll be used to with Mountain House. I do a mix of the breakfasts, dinners, and packaroons. You're reminding me that I need to place an order soon.
Same here. Tried a few things recently to see how I liked them. Ill be mixing in a few of them on my 10day hunt to mix things up. Much longer soak times than MH, and maybe not as savory tasting, but look to be a pretty good step up nutritionally. I'm thinking that will be a nice welcome change during the back half of the trip.

Btw, the pakaroons are good. Not real sweet, but easy snacks.

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Not a fan of the buckwheat breakfasts but I'll be picking some up some dinners too.

I heard her on a recent podcast mentioning they may be pursuing some new meals after they get some certification/approval. She also said some folks are complaining about some meals being too spicy and they may be looking at some changes. As someone who likes spicy and seasoned foods this is a concern...maybe she can come up with a way to appease those (upper midwesterner-types that think black pepper is too hot, 'don't cha know') with a bland pallette and the rest of us ;)

If she or her confidants read this a seasoning packet maybe...?
The only backpacking food I really disliked was the Mountain House eggs - those things make me want to vomit ;)

I have seen so many people say they hate the breakfasts from MH especially the eggs. I must be crazy because the breakfast skillet was my favorite meal I've tried by far!

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I like her message and the fact that she is using really top quality ingredients. I liked the chili and really liked the salmon chowder. The others a little less. Breakfasts were good and filling. Pacarroons are awesome.

I just got an order from packit gourmet. Tried one dish at the house. Pasta puttanesca. It was good but requires some prep effort. Mix up the sauce. Boil noodles for a while. Mix it all together. Add cheese. If you follow the directions it would total about fifteen minutes of prep time. Significant upgrade from a mountain house or other "standard" freeze dried stuff. I am not sure I would want to bother with the extra effort on the trail but it is a good option to have.
Thanks for all the input. I might just buy a few to try out. I signed up for the emailing list and she sent a coupon for $15 off first purchase over $100. I'll just sample everything. Yeah the MH eggs are pretty bad.. And I've eaten every MRE they make. There are some pretty bad ones. But those MH eggs.. damn.
I couldn't stomach the breakfasts, they were absolutely horrible. The chili was good and the packaroons were awesome. But as others said, the 20 minute wait is terrible when your buddy is eating and your sitting there. Personally I'll stick too Ramen and tuna/spam.
I couldn't stomach the breakfasts, they were absolutely horrible. The chili was good and the packaroons were awesome. But as others said, the 20 minute wait is terrible when your buddy is eating and your sitting there. Personally I'll stick too Ramen and tuna/spam.

Not that spam is a step up from mtn house, but just curious, how do you prepare spam on a mountain hunt? Mtn house or ramen i understand, add boiling water. But spam? Do you just eat it cold? And do ypu eat a whole can? Inquiring minds want to know.
Personally I'll stick too Ramen and tuna/spam.

I totally understand personal choice and all... but I doubt anyone can trust the pallet of someone that says this...

I loved the rancheros whatever it was... the packaroons are great and I wish she sold the breakfasts in gallon jugs... the dorowat wasn't as spicy as I like but had good earthy flavors.
bottom line is shes making a very healthy product and working on improving her flavors. I think its great what shes doing.
Ramen and Spam??? Damn... I'd rather eat the Mountain House Breakfast Skillet, and that's saying something!

I like the Heather's Choice Breakfasts. Ordering a bunch more to make sure I have enough for my Elk hunt.
Once I got past the texture of the breakfast the flavor was really good, IMO. I can get over the longer cook times when you read what you're actually getting out of the meals. They are way better for quality and half the size. And I like the spicy meals!!
The pacaroons are good

I can stomach the strawberry breakfast here and there but couldn't eat everyday

The dinners can be spicy too
Buncha pansies that don't like spam! I kid I kid, Not the canned stuff, you can get it in packs like tuna. Look up Ramen Bombs on youtube. You'll thank me!
Shit I grew up on fried spam sammiches. I couldn't care about paleo, organic, grass fed , gluten free non GMO bullshit. I'll take fried and corn fed any day.
Plus the price, I can get 5 days of food for the price to eat her shit for 1 day. Like I said I'll stick to Ramen and tuna/spam
I totally understand personal choice and all... but I doubt anyone can trust the pallet of someone that says this...

I loved the rancheros whatever it was... the packaroons are great and I wish she sold the breakfasts in gallon jugs... the dorowat wasn't as spicy as I like but had good earthy flavors.
bottom line is shes making a very healthy product and working on improving her flavors. I think its great what shes doing.

I have suggested the same thing: make the breakfasts available in bulk quantities. They seem to be a bit polarizing, but I like the breakfast meals. I have one hunting partner who doesn't particularly care for them but eats them on Backcountry trips anyway because it's the best source of readily available Backcountry fuel on the market.
Not that spam is a step up from mtn house, but just curious, how do you prepare spam on a mountain hunt? Mtn house or ramen i understand, add boiling water. But spam? Do you just eat it cold? And do ypu eat a whole can? Inquiring minds want to know.

Get it in the sing serve tear away packs. I smash it up in the packet and dump it in the Ramen noodles. I've eaten it cold right outta the pack too. Try it out man, it's actually pretty good. Now I wouldn't want to eat like this if I spent months in the mountains. But for a midwesterner spending 5-7 days a year actually in the mountains, it works just fine for me.
Yeah the MH eggs are pretty bad.. And I've eaten every MRE they make. There are some pretty bad ones. But those MH eggs.. damn.

Seriously I must have a weird palate. Haha I had zero issues with the Mtn Breakfasts. Why do you all think they taste bad?

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I have seen so many people say they hate the breakfasts from MH especially the eggs. I must be crazy because the breakfast skillet was my favorite meal I've tried by far!

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Me too! I love the breakfast skillet. It also helps that it's got the most calories per ounce, BY FAR, of all the other MH meals.