Started two weeks ago with a burn in my chest like a cold almost when hiking or working out. Saturday it went to a full out burn in the muscle tissue in my chest and like an elephant standing on my heart until my pulse dropped low. It almost knocked me off my feet and my wife said you are going. All I was doing was loading snow shoes and gear in the truck. My blood test is what showed I had the heart attack or the Troponin levels spiked. Thanks God I had a good ER Dr that day! At the hospital it was blood thinner, stress test and ultra sound you could see my heart not able to push the blood. My blockage was 95%, two stints later, aspirin, 2-blood thinners, and Lipitor all looks good.Glad you are OK!
What does it feel like? Is it a pain on the left side of your chest (where you heart is)? Was it hard to breath? Did you pass out? Curious to hear what to look out for from a symptom standpoint from someone who has actually experienced it
No damage to my heart they say so pills and diet I should be good. It was a wake up, I was worried about dying and not being able to do the wilderness adventures is why I was asking who went through this. Scared the hell out my wife and kids. Glad it all worked out.
Crazy you are awake watching the procedure on a TV, technology is awesome!