Hearing protection act (suppressors) introduced

I see no reason to spend money on something I don’t need. Just like I see no reason to “build” a 5k-10k rifle for hunting. No reason to have archery sights that cost $600 either or broadheads that cost over $100 for 3. The cost of hunting and the equipment we talk ourselves into that we think we need is getting ridiculous.
Understandable. I dont own one for basically the same reasons. Only one of my guns is threaded so if I bought one, it would be about as much money getting it to be usable as I paid for it. If the stamp goes away, I might would be tempted. I will say, they are pretty nice to shoot with.
I for one would appreciate removal of suppressors as an NFA item just for long term peace of mind in ownership. This may be less of issue in reality but I feel uneasy about the prospect of leaving my family with a suppressor under the current laws should I meet an untimely demise.
I for one would appreciate removal of suppressors as an NFA item just for long term peace of mind in ownership. This may be less of issue in reality but I feel uneasy about the prospect of leaving my family with a suppressor under the current laws should I meet an untimely demise.
Do you think you'd be the first person ever to own a silencer then die??? that's why there are trusts, I'm sure if your family didn't want the slender the ATF would happily help them dispose of it.
Nothing will get passed. Even if they dismantle the ATF (they won’t) they will find another name for the tax that will take the place of the current tax stamp.
While I agree that it’s unlikely to pass (hence my comment about the stack of legislation), the taxes have nothing to do with it. The government has shown us time and time again they’re willing to operate in the red in order to pass legislation that makes them popular. Why would that change here??
The government should make something called a special tax stamp, charge 500 bucks for it, and guarantee turn around in a week with priority over the 200$ guys. That would keep suppressors coming faster to those who want them more.

This is sarcasm.
Wildlife and wildlife habitat are important to me. A small fee to ensure my children and grandchildren can enjoy the same outdoor experiences I have enjoyed in my lifetime it's a small price to pay.

I could care less about the NFA...All I was proposing is move the current rev stream to fund wildlife conservation.

I forgot this is Rokslide, a gear site...I will take liberal wildlife conservation thinking elsewhere.
Nice goal post move. I'd wager everyone here is in favor of preserving wildlife and wildlife habitat. You're sad and liberal mindset is expecting others to foot that bill.

You want there to be a $200 tax on something you've admitted you'd never buy, that will fund something you care about very much. And when the suggestion comes up to tax more things to fund your interest you balk because you should have to pay those taxes???? gtfoh.
The government should make something called a special tax stamp, charge 500 bucks for it, and guarantee turn around in a week with priority over the 200$ guys. That would keep suppressors coming faster to those who want them more.

This is sarcasm.
They already offer this program.

I started my FFL and Special Occupation Tax (SOT) exclusively for suppressors. The FFL costs $150 every three years and the SOT is $500 per year. Once those taxes are paid, I owe the feds nothing. I could transfer 2,000 suppressors, and they still only get $500 per year.
Nice goal post move. I'd wager everyone here is in favor of preserving wildlife and wildlife habitat. You're sad and liberal mindset is expecting others to foot that bill.

You want there to be a $200 tax on something you've admitted you'd never buy, that will fund something you care about very much. And when the suggestion comes up to tax more things to fund your interest you balk because you should have to pay those taxes???? gtfoh.
Why don't you back and re read my posts. I said I didn't want one for a shotgun. I already have 3 cans in different calibers.
I cant recommend Rugged enough, made right here in South Carolina. The Radiant, Obsidian, and the Oculus22 are all great been using then for a few years.
Folks around here crack me up, thanks for reinforcing my point.
Fingers crossed it removes suppressors from the NFA.... I imagine that suppressors would immediately be basically out of stock everywhere for at least a year if this passes.
They're fairly simple to make, I think the market will explode with firearm adjacent manufacturing being redirected to suppressors. The current well-known models will definitely sell out for a long time though.
If you haven't paying attention, there has been north of 1,000,000,000,000.00 in fraudulent tax spending uncovered in the last couple of weeks.

We don't need more taxes, we need better spending.
Couldn't agree more. Having the proceeds allocated into a specific fund instead of the general Treasury fund, where they currently go, would ensure they are spent on conservation...its been well documented in the last couple days where those general Treasury funds go currently.
Couldn't agree more. Having the proceeds allocated into a specific fund instead of the general Treasury fund, where they currently go, would ensure they are spent on conservation...its been well documented in the last couple days where those general Treasury funds go currently.
.....and having constant audits.