Headed from CA to E Arizona for muleys


Sep 19, 2022
San Diego
Hi all, I wont mention unit or exact species sorry a bit new to posting and getting on here regularly.

Long story short am I a moron driving all the way across Arizona units to hunt deer in Velvet? Literally will be driving past most of them to hunt a zone I haven't been to and solo which is how I mainly hunt.

Have hunted southern and central units in AZ and passed on smaller bucks now looking to get on more deer when they're in velvet and from what Id think is the smartest is to try units that give more tags which of course means theirs more deer in the units.

At this time of year I am thinking about weather of course and snakes. I know may still run into a few but less up at 7500ft plus. On the way driving I will most likely stop on a hotter S unit to just sit water and glass a bit the first day prior to hunting, If I find something like that I want to hunt then all plans to high country will be off if I think I have a chance.

Any tips or prior experience hunting the Otc in velvet would be appreciated. Both at lower or higher elevations.
Hunting solo as stated dont mind to link up with anyone as well who likes to get a few miles away from the truck and roads.

Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
Not sure I would call you an idiot, but there are mule deer from the western border all the way to the eastern. Pick a unit, learn it and hunt it. You can hunt desert or pines, high or low.