Havalon Knives

Personally, I thought the Piranta was way too hard on blades... I went through a BUNCH of blades this year... However, gonna give the Baracuta Skinner a look... I hear that the blades are quite a bit thicker...
Couple stone cold killers and 8 bags a meat.........all with a couple of Havalons.

Later that year I half'd another bull and 5 deer with a Havalon.

They have a larger one with a thinker blade that works great at home to trim up and clean up the meat for grinding burger and slicing steaks.


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Popping off the legs and even the head works well you just need to be carful with the blade. Too much side force and they do break.

Works well for caping or just taking the hide and lower jaw off the head, it's so sharp.


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Couple stone cold killers and 8 bags a meat.........all with a couple of Havalons.

Later that year I half'd another bull and 5 deer with a Havalon.

They have a larger one with a thinker blade that works great at home to trim up and clean up the meat for grinding burger and slicing steaks.

Are you the killer on right or left?

I have no complaints with my Havalon.

stone cold for sure- very nice

Couple stone cold killers and 8 bags a meat.........all with a couple of Havalons.

Later that year I half'd another bull and 5 deer with a Havalon.

They have a larger one with a thinker blade that works great at home to trim up and clean up the meat for grinding burger and slicing steaks.
I have been using them for years. I can't imagine going to any other knife system. They break pretty often really. I don't care, a sharp blade is seconds away and weighs nearly nothing.
I'd look at the baracuda as well. I have both the piranta and baracuda. Much thicker blades, a little heavier and longer but it sure is nice.

I still like my fixed blade though.
I have both the original Piranta and the Barracuda Blaze in my pack, at first I just had the small one but after 3 animals I decided I like having a longer blade to take the meat off the hip bones and the backstrap even with both the weight is nothing, I also carry a leatherman and small stone so there goes the weight savings

+1 on the fixed blades, A fixed blade can do survival things that these thin blades can't.
A true stone cold killer but whats up with the sissy gloves? just kiddin. I love the priranta but learned not to put any side presser on the blades snap! ping! that was close...