Hauling Antlers on a Luggage Rack


Nov 25, 2020
Carlton, MN
Afternoon, I made a mistake a few years back and got an expedition instead of reupping my F150. It wasn't an issue last year with an enclosed trailer, but this year no trailer and I'm hoping we're coming home with 2 bulls. (Don't worry about boiling and crossing state lines...we're good there.) Any advice for strapping down antlers to a luggage rack on the top of the SUV? I guess I'm concerned with damaging the rack or possibly the rack damaging the paint? We'll wrap up the skulls good with plastic bags and tape.
Bring some foam pads like you'd attach to the roof rack for a canoe, its a foam block with a groove that slips around the rail and the canoe both. Anywhere that rack comes into contact with anything .... rail, paint, whatever ... its gonna see some friction which will , at the least, remove color from the antler, if not deeper damage...... so.... bring foam pads and when you get them on there, look where the points of contact are and make appropriate foam placements.

Strap it down secure as you can so you dont get any rubbing / movement.
Pack a pool noodle and chop that thing up and sleeve them where you tie.

What he said. But use pipe insulation or pool noodles with slits cut in them to slide over the contact points. Black electricians tape to keep foam in place. Comes off antlers easier than duct tape. I prefer cargo carrier instead of roof rack - less wind resistance, less bug splatter, and easier to clean up. Use ratchet straps to keep in place.
What he said. But use pipe insulation or pool noodles with slits cut in them to slide over the contact points. Black electricians tape to keep foam in place. Comes off antlers easier than duct tape. I prefer cargo carrier instead of roof rack - less wind resistance, less bug splatter, and easier to clean up. Use ratchet straps to keep in place.

Pipe insulation was first thing I though off too. Pack of zip ties would work too.
A couple ratchet straps and couple bungee cords and mine have never moved an inch. Wind/weather/bugs are not going to damage them...just need them to stay put.

Good Luck!


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