Haul Road Wolves

Feb 22, 2024

I'm new here, but have lurked for a while reading everything I can about caribou in preparation for a Haul Road hunt this August. Time to stop lurking and get more involved here.

For those of you who've been out there, have you run into many or any wolves on the tundra? Especially closer to the Brooks Range? I'm thinking about getting a tag since they're only $60 just in case we see one, but don't want to waste the money if there aren't any up there. I am going to make the death march to hunt with a rifle, so I wouldn't be trying to sneak in on wolves with a bow. Figured it's a better question for the caribou hunters here than the predator hunters in the other forum since you actually spend time up there.

Thanks in advance!
I have been in the woods up here a long time, all over the state. In 40 years I can count the amount of wolves I have seen in the field on two hands and maybe a few toes, the chance to actually get a shot off on one hand. The only other animal I have seen less of in the field is a wolverine. There is always a chance, absolutely get the tag, but I wouldn't buy a tag simply because you are hedging your bets on actually seeing one.
Thanks for the info. That is way fewer than I would have thought over 40 years, I'll get the tag just in case the astronomically low odds of seeing one work out in my favor.
I have been up there the past 4-5 years in a row. Done the 5 mile hike several times and took an airboat up the Ivishak this past year and have never seen a wolf. I did however see some wolf tracks along the river last year. They are there but your chances of seeing one are pretty slim. Then again it’s only $60 and you would probably be kicking yourself if you did get the opportunity.
I run the haul road as a pilot car for 14 years. Most of the wolves I saw were north of Atigun. Galbraith lake to the 120 dip, and around Happy Valley. There was one that hung out at Happy Valley for a couple of years that would come up to your truck and beg, everyone thought it was rabid because that isn't normal behavior. They are hard to spot on the open tundra.
I don't believe you need a wolf tag in advance of taking a wolf in 26B, but do have to get the hide and skull sealed within 30-days of the harvest. Might verify this with ADFG prior to hunting though.
I don't believe you need a wolf tag in advance of taking a wolf in 26B, but do have to get the hide and skull sealed within 30-days of the harvest. Might verify this with ADFG prior to hunting though.
Found the list on the 23-24 hunting regulations, it looks like you still need a locking tag before you harvest one in all of unit 26. You don't need one if you're just to the south in 24 and 25.
Remember you can always use your caribou tag on a wolf if the opportunity arose and temptation really got to you! It would be a heck of an expensive tag to put on a wolf, but I’d personally do it with a smile!

Maybe others can chime in on if there is an outfitter or stop up there that can sell you another caribou locking tag if you do that. Or if that would essentially end your hunting.
I worked up there years ago and hunted the road once. I saw one wolf near Pump Station #2, about five miles north, just 300 yards off the side of the road. Seen plenty of foxes.
Remember you can always use your caribou tag on a wolf if the opportunity arose and temptation really got to you! It would be a heck of an expensive tag to put on a wolf, but I’d personally do it with a smile!

Maybe others can chime in on if there is an outfitter or stop up there that can sell you another caribou locking tag if you do that. Or if that would essentially end your hunting.
Hey, after all the other trip expenses it would be the same cost as a guided wolf hunt in Idaho! Would much rather put a $60 tag on it though.

I'm doing the hike in to rifle hunt with enough supplies to last 5 days, not coming out until I have a caribou or run out of food so there isn't much of a shot at getting another tag once I'm out there.
my buddy shot a wolf up there sitting over a gut pile years ago. if I were you I would probably buy the Tag and figure if you shoot something sit for a day or two over the gut pile and see if one shows up.
Update- didn't get a wolf but we did see a black one run across the road near Wiseman. Honestly that's more than I expected so it was cool just to get a glimpse!