Has your dog been injured?

Has your dog ever been injured and needed medical care by a vet?

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My beloved lab fell out of the back of a truck going 25 mph and broke her femur. For years I never understood how it happened, until I was riding that same road on a motorcycle and hit imperceptible dip and bump and nearly lost control and almost dropped the bike.
Redbone had some copperhead bites. She was embarrassed by the swelling when she got one to the muzzle but no lasting effect except she never messed with a copperhead again..

Our "free" pound pup rolled down the window of my 4runner and jumped out at 60mph. (Please don't ask the wife's question. No I didn't have the child locks on. We haven't had a child in the car in 20 years.) She wasn't so "free" after the surgery to repair her compound femur fracture. Guy behind me saw it occurring and stopped traffic long enough for me to get her back in the vehicle or she probably would have been flattened. Sometimes I regretted not taking surgery option 2 which was remove the leg. She was constantly running off.
The worst digger and runoff we've ever had lost a front leg and that didn't slow her down at all.
My dog broke his leg running around. The leg got caught in something and he fell twisting the leg. It was pretty brutal but he made a full recovery and you would never be able to tell.
Attacked by a mounain lion at home on our deck. Woulda died for sure if I had not been there to “attack”the lion within 3 seconds of it pinning and putting my dogs head in its mouth. My dog with the reporter that interviewed him.
We do some pretty late fall (like November) cleanup type hunts for pheasants in SD at various lodges. Some birds hang up in the thick cattails. Most years its fine, but last year our lab got cut up pretty bad in them, including a couple deep scratched corneas. He's all drive and went all day with a cut up muzzle but needed about 4 weeks off after our hunt. Nut sure why the cattails were so sharp when they dried out, but they were.
Just this morning my yellow lab Hunter decided it was in his best interest to go introduce himself to a horse along the trail. He took off like a rocket ignoring all commands like a f-ing toddler. Just when worry set in he got to the bottom of the hill and it hit me the barbed wire fence and a kick from this mare ain’t going to be a good thing for my dog, he disappears into a overgrown V ditch. Gone. Rolled all the way to the bottom of that stinky ass muddy ditch. Took about 5 mins for his dumb ass to crawl outta there limping and panting. Cluster of a morning. No vet bills today thank God