Has anyone figured out a hunting bipod yet?


Aug 30, 2012
I have a Hatch. It’s the closest thing to workable in the field, but the leg deployment method (pull on the leg) is lame and there’s more slop than I like.

I also have an Atlas. It’s great off a bench or flat prone, but near worthless in the field as there aren’t too many benches or flat spots.

Has anybody married the two? I want something as well made as the Atlas, but with the versatility of a Hatch, where I can shoot it sitting and on uneven terrain.

Or who’s figured out how to put Hatch legs on Atlas guts?
Its called a really right stuff tripod......

But seriously. Yes I looked and bought bipods looking for what you are and the concludion I came to is a bipod that is tall as a hatch but heavy as an atlas is as heavy as a tripod.
Interesting. I guess I just don’t understand how a better leg deployment method (a button like Atlas instead of legs attached by screw and friction washer as on Hatch) adds much weight.
Interesting. I guess I just don’t understand how a better leg deployment method (a button like Atlas instead of legs attached by screw and friction washer as on Hatch) adds much weight.

Tha attachment method would add no weight. However I found the legs on my hatch to be less rigid as the atlas. Therefore stiffening up the attachment point slop was likely not going to produce the desired outcome as the legs would still have a fair amount of flex especially if extended. At the end of the day I am just a mediocre shooter and the best I could managed to do off the hatch sitting was 300 yards. My hit percetage was low enough at 400 that I wouldn't take that shot sittting.

However with a tripod I had felt comfortable shooting sitting at 500 so far. If you find the bipod you speaking of by all means let me know. I'll buy one to try because I have issues but, the tripod has damn near replaced all of my hunting bipods unless I can go prone then the Atlas wins and getting the tripod prone while possible is a pain.
I don’t own one but have seen and shot off one. Mdt ckye pod, they make a double and triple pull. Be ready to open your wallet.

Off a manicured range I use a tall atlas cal. Standard length bipods are about worthless in the field.

I like my tripods too but they take time to deploy and I can understand how that’s unacceptable for some.

I’m usually searching for a prone shot whenever possible, followed by supported on a natural object and the tripod is a last resort
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Off a manicured range I use a tall atlas cal. Standard length bipods are about worthless in the field.
Are you shooting seated or prone?
I've been looking at that one.
Some people complain that the tall Atlas CAL is not tall enough to shoot from a seated position but too high for prone.
Are you shooting seated or prone?
I've been looking at that one.
Some people complain that the tall Atlas CAL is not tall enough to shoot from a seated position but too high for prone.
Prone. I think it’s just right for prone use in the field. It’s too Tall on a manicured range or a bench. That said it also has a 45 degree leg option front and back to make it shorter when needed, such as shooting off the edge of a cliff.
No experience with this but bought a couple things from them. They have you tube videos on the bottom of how it works

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No experience with this but bought a couple things from them. They have you tube videos on the bottom of how it works

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

This one looks alright. Has the one fatal flaw that the hatch started with is the slide picatinny attachment sucks. Not all picatinny are the same width and that will induce slop or to outright not fit. Hatch came out with the same attachment that uses an ADM head and that was much better then the slide attachment.
What's the price on the Rok Stedi? I didn't see it anywhere.

It says on the website 495 but out of stock.

Half of the triple pull ckye pod. Heard real good things about this like others but at 1k its quite spendy.
Harris swivel, 9-13” with the segmented lower legs for prone or backpack and the 13-27” for sitting. Sounds like Harris just isn’t in fashion though even though they work great and you can probably get two of each for the price of something that is in prc fashion? Just go with sling swivel versions, take no time to put on also. Then use for any other rifles in the safe as well.

Over the pack for mountain hunts. The prone bipod for more day hunts, range work, specific but less common used for hunts, just rides in truck depending if plan to stalk and set up from a bare ridge top and don’t need a pack. Sitting height works well for predator calling or other sits and having in the pack for more more general purpose day hunting.

A guy also needs taller adjustable length sticks or trigger grip sticks for blinds. That should cover most needs.

Speaking only as a hunter here so maybe you’re inquiring for something that will be more specific for a competitive shooting sport of some kind?

I know it would seem weird to have anything less than several hundred dollars attached to a fancy hunting rifle but that’s a mental issue. They are largely as useful as a sling and they ride as an accessory that goes with my sling but not always do they head afield, mission specific luxuries that only go when likely useful. Kind of like throwing gloves and a toque in the pack for your head and hands but for your rifle. 😉
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This one looks alright. Has the one fatal flaw that the hatch started with is the slide picatinny attachment sucks. Not all picatinny are the same width and that will induce slop or to outright not fit. Hatch came out with the same attachment that uses an ADM head and that was much better then the slide attachment.
True. The slide on pic rail is a no go. Already had to modify my Hatch. Dumb design.