I've done exactly that, a few times now.
I "worked my way up" to a pair of Swaro SLC's a few years ago, but they were absolutely mint and I was not really interested in banging them up or leaving them on the tailgate and driving off, etc. So while I thought about how to use them, I just happened to come across an older pair of Nikon LX-L's that had a view I absolutely loved. Even more than the SLC's in fact. So I eventually sold the SLC's (for a bit more than I paid) and I ran the Nikon's for several years with no regrets.
Recently, I've thought that the newer Vortex Viper HD's are really all the optic that 99.9% of us need, considering just how good they are.
I'm always on the hunt for good quality "sleeper" bin's, and last year came across an older pair of Cabelas Outfitter HD's that looked conspicuously like a pair of Opticrons I was familiar with. Turns out, they were the same bin, both made in the Light Optical Works factory in Japan, and those Cabelas bin's were just outstanding. 95% of any elite optic out there, if not more. So I used them as my truck bin for a long time, and was never left wanting for a more expensive pair.
I hang around serious birders quite a bit. Most of them have the latest and greatest alpha optics, so I get a chance to compare whatever I have hanging around my neck to their bin's on a regular basis. I'm a pretty good bargain hunter, and it's not often that I look at something one of my birding friends are using that are really all that much better than my latest "find."
If you're not a person who is really bothered by what brand or price your binoculars wear, you really don't have to pay a ton to get out of your optics what you need.