hanging meat

Aug 19, 2022
I'm going to be in the grand mesa area in CO for the first 10 days of the elk archery hunt, planning to be about 4 miles back. Looks like temps are going to be around the mid 70's day time and 50's in the evening. Wondering if at those temps quarters could still be hung over night or if it would be better to just pack out straight to the cooler if all goes well?
Your fine to hang it in those Temps. Just keep it in the shade and if you can hang near the valley bottom where you get the cold air sinking at night.
Get the hide off ASAP and quarter/hang. The meat laying on the ground will be insulated and stay hot. Personally, if AM I'd start hiking meat out. PM kill would be okay to cool overnight at 50F
You killed, you quartered or deboned, you hung the meat........what else have you got to do? Start packing. Or, if it's the middle of the night maybe sleep till morning and then get on it. But it shouldn't be a problem hanging meat in the right spot. 50's sound awfully warm for night time lows in the high country.
Even at 50 it is cooler than body temp on a fresh kill and the meat is cooling off. I don't like meat at a holding temp longer than a day at 50. There is also 'bone sour' that can occur on the rear quarters since it is so thick. It goes into the decision to bone out in the field, or not.