40 with 180 gr solids for me.
I had a S&W 629 Classic, I carry the G23 now instead, much lighter and easier to conceal.
I've had to kill bears with a pistol. First was with a glock 21 in .45 and I'll never use it again.
BB- I do agree it works but the mags are a better option. Putting down livestock or mortally wound game isn't the same as a charging bear with bad intentions. The instance I'm referring to was a charging bear that tipped over at 8 feet. I put 4 rounds in it center mass and when I retrieved the bullets I was amazed how ineffective the were. To each there own but if you were in my shoes that day I promise you'd have a different opinion.
What issues do u all have with 2 legged problems? I Am a bit Nieve, so humor me.