Guys I need your input on blood pressure. I don’t want to mess up


Sep 1, 2022
Something to try..

I have high blood pressure, have had it since I was in my early 20's. A few years back I was consistently running 150's-160's over high 90's-low 100's... Dr. put me on metoprolol and that brought me down into the high 120's/low 130's over high 80's.. I was on that medication for about a year and a half. I am a pretty healthy guy I am in my early 30's, I workout regularly, eat pretty good. Dr. said my blood pressure was just genetic.

About 8 months ago I was listening to a talk with Gary Brecka. He was talking about young healthy people who have high blood pressure. He gave a big explanation for this with a lot of words I can't pronounce (you can youtube his talk.) But my takeaway was BP meds are punishing a healthy organ, rather than fixing a deficiency, he recommended a supplement called TMG (trimethylglycine) it is an amino acid, you can order it off Amazon, its like $6 for a bottle.

I figured what the hell, I'll give it a shot. I can always go back on my BP meds if it doesn't work. Long story short, I have been taking TMG for 8 months with no BP meds, and my BP has never been better. I check it regularly, and at my annual checkup earlier this week the nurse got 120/72. I am consistently in that range now. Dr. was impressed, said keep doing whatever you are doing.

It's worth a shot if you don't want to get on BP meds.

Gary Brecka is a really interesting individual.

He's a human biologist, and approaches these problems from a holistic perspective, and advocates for implementation of solutions that addresses the root causes. Not a pharmaceutical intervention that just masks the symptoms.

I think this is the better approach. Combine with better diet and exercise. BP meds are just going to mask the symptoms rather than actually solve the underlying issues.
Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
I am sure the answer you want to hear will come to you in an online thread filled with information from people who hardly made it out of high school... the #doyourownresearch crowd has always been so good at that. Listen to your Doctor.
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Sep 1, 2022
Location: California.....

Funny how being informed became a bad thing all of a sudden.

COVID created this narrative that knowledge should be institutionalized to the expert class, and as a common serf you should unquestionably go along with whatever the government and media sanctioned "experts" have to say.

COVID turned science into a religion.


Jan 27, 2020
I am sure the answer you want to hear will come to you in an online thread filled with information from people who hardly made it out of high school... the #doyourownresearch crowd has always been so good at that. Listen to your Doctor.
High school was the best 6 years of my life


Sep 13, 2016
Don’t get on meds for that BP. Not a doctor, but take BPs on med aids every day at work as a fireman, and 131 systolic is not high. Maybe make a lifestyle change and try to knock it down a few points if it makes you feel good, but what should be alarming is that a doc was trying to prescribe you something for a very normal, “high side of normal” blood pressure. Caffeine, nicotine, physical activity, salt intake, stress all play a role. Look at those before Rx drugs.


Jul 12, 2023
Two of the guys I knew through work and a family friend, all had “minor” strokes one year and weren’t off for more than a week. They all took it as a wake up call and distressed their lives a bit, got more vigilant about blood pressure, and keep up with the doc’s recommendations. At the two year mark, one guy isn’t the same and probably never will be, but just a notch or two slower. The other guy is one notch off what he used to be, and the gal is exactly her old self.

More than any doctor warnings, or thing I’ve read, watching what they have gone through in real time has motivated me to get the numbers lower one way or the other.
Aug 26, 2013
New Orleans, La.
Reduce your caffeine intake, and try to eliminate salt from your diet. Processed foods are high in bad things that can cause your BP to go up. Exercise (anything is better than nothing) will help. And get a second opinion from another Doctor before taking meds.
Your numbers seem good to me. I am taking BP meds hoping to achieve your numbers. But I'm not a Dr, so please get professional advice.


Sep 26, 2018
Was just at the Dr last week, my numbers are higher than the OP’s, well the bottom and she wasn’t too worried about it, I was at 132/80.

Sounds like you may have a paranoid Dr.
Sep 28, 2018
But overall....when the Dr tells you "Lose some weight and fix your diet" is generally better than most meds you can do.
We've all become super soft


Super easy thing to do is to go for a 30 minute walk with your wife after dinner. Give you both time to just chat and will help your body regulate before you start getting ready for sleep


Aug 29, 2024
I hate talking about something not exciting but I really value your opinions. The real
World advice on here is worth the wait and gold. I just don’t want to do the wrong thing. I don’t like taking medication unless I absolutely have to but if I need to in this case I will so I can live longer. I went to the doctor and they wanted to put me on blood pressure medicine so I asked him if I could check it at home for a couple weeks and come back and I did and this is pretty much what I come back with. My top number which I think is called systolic is usually 130 to 132. So they’re saying it’s a form of hypertension where the top number is high, but the bottom number is normal. When I’m looking at my lower number, though it doesn’t seem too high and I’m afraid if I start blood pressure medication, I won’t have any energy or the light because my blood pressure may be too low, especially on the bottom number or the diastolic number I think it’s called. I’m 46 6”4 and 195 lbs. Thank you all for taking the time to read and share your thoughts. Hope you’re all doing well.
Completely new here, but for what it's worth I agree with others saying to get a second opinion. I'm no physician and can't weigh in much on BP, but last where when my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, a 2nd opinion is what opened his eyes to a 2nd treatment option (he's cancer free now).

All that is to say, 2 opinions is better than one, especially with a diagnosis like this


Jun 30, 2020
Don't get your medical advice from Dr. Rokslid. Trust your Dr. and talk to family members to help you chose the right course of action for you. One thing I would agree with is if you don't trust your Dr. get a second opinion. for that mater get second opinion even if you trust your Dr.


Sep 1, 2022
Being informed is completely different than jumping into a thread and insulting everybody by saying they barely graduated high school.

Covid??? that was like 4+ years ago, what are you even talking about now?

COVID was when they decided to gatekeep science and knowledge and tell people "not to do your own research" - as if being informed was a bad thing.


Sep 1, 2022
Please don't take medical advice from a hunting forum.

High BP and cardiovascular disease in general is incredibly common. Many here have been afflicted by it.

Asking others what they've done in a similar situation, and finding out what has and hasn't worked for others is not a bad thing.

Developing an informed opinion is a lot safer than just blindly trusting one doctor.


Sep 1, 2022
Still not sure what your talking about but the Covid ship has sailed, you really need to toss your mask and move on.

Clearly my point went right over your head. I was agreeing with you in post #23, and your making fun of post #22.



Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Covid??? that was like 4+ years ago, what are you even talking about now?
My wife just came home from work earlier this week and said "We were just informed today that we're under Covid protocols again". Just because it's running rampant across the U.S. right now. It's still out there, and always will be now thanks to the likes of Fauci, but the big deal is how the government and those in charge try to force everyone else to deal with it by obeying their "protocols" and toeing the line. SMH That ship has definitely not sailed, and will only get worse from here on out on every agenda they push, while suppressing common sense, logic, reason, and real facts.
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Feb 6, 2022
Western MT
I would look at diet changes (that potentially impact BP) first since your BP isn't very high. Fwiw, I don't have experience of my own with high blood pressure since mine is usually 105/62 or so. I'm also not a MD.