Gun boxes

Keeping the original box thebgun came in adds a bit of provenance to your firearm.

In the late 70's, a gentleman drug a WELL used Win M12 12 gauge into the store. Well used, but not abused and wanted to swap for another shotgun.
The store owner made him a deal on a Rem 1100.
The old man grinned and said, "I didn't expect a deal like that! Let me go get the other barrel!"
He came back in the store with an IC barrel with matching serial numbers....IN THE ORIGINAL WINCHESTER BOX!!!!

Store guy swapped him even up!
I used to, but I shoot my guns and when I moved across the country and down sized I gave em all to a gun shop I used to work for.

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Funny this should come up. I was just looking for the plastic packing that a Black Gold site came in. Found it in my storage unit with a bunch of other gun/scope/parts boxes.

My last few rifles I kept the boxes.