Grouse Killing Tips

Apr 19, 2024
I'm looking forward to my first western hunt in CO this September and want to bring some bludgeons or judo tips or something to whack some grouse for dinner. What is your small game rig of choice for grouse and why?
I use judo points. My partner does now too, after losing or wrecking a couple hundred dollars worth of broadheads.
Actually this year I’ll be using a 22 pistol, if my can ever gets approved.
I'm carrying my sling shot and a few ball bearings. Sometimes they are only 10' away. They've got to be the easiest game bird ton kill once you find them.

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I carry a judo in my quiver. Haven’t got one yet….but I want one!!!

Closest I got was one jumped up on a deadfall 10’ from me and took off before I could nock an arrow. Went from a deer hunt to a bird hunt. I went hungry that night…..

Next time…..
I use the Bearpaw rubber blunts. They tend to slow down a bit more when hitting a grouse with a bow setup for elk, and they don't tend to knife under vegetation. Most of the time they are just laying out on top of the ground somewhere behind the bird. They make a heck of a whop! sound when you thump a bird with them, you know when you make solid contact with one.
I have also just used a field point with an Adder Point behind it. They just pinch between the field point and insert. They are okay, but I prefer the blunt tips.
Absolutely make sure you do a good visual inspection and flex check arrows after thumping a grouse with them.
I carry a small game blunt when I'm hunting with trad. But with a compound I can't imagine having an arrow survive most grouse shots. I suppose you could build an 800 grain arrow that would be slow enough for sniping grouse without shattering?
Bludgeons (or any big soft rubber blunt) with flu-flu fletching's help with arrow recovery and arrow survivability out of a compound. The down side to judos imo is that that any close range rock strike destroys your arrow- out of a fast bow at least.
I use judo points. My partner does now too, after losing or wrecking a couple hundred dollars worth of broadheads.
Actually this year I’ll be using a 22 pistol, if my can ever gets approved.
How late ng have you been waiting? My last can approval was 18 days (March) and a friend just had one approved in 31 hours.
Rocks for me, I've probably killed close to a dozen like that. I've ruined too many arrows shooting grouse with a bow. I'd still shoot one with my trad bow but not with a compound. Most of the grouse I kill now die from a head shot with the bb gun.
Rocks for me, I've probably killed close to a dozen like that. I've ruined too many arrows shooting grouse with a bow. I'd still shoot one with my trad bow but not with a compound. Most of the grouse I kill now die from a head shot with the bb gun.
That's wild!
That's wild!
They are the dumbest animals on the planet, especially if you go somewhere like the Frank Church where they've never seen a person. We went on an elk hunt there a few years back and I killed like 4 in one day with rocks, my buddy from PA couldn't belive it. They make great camp meat!

I remember another time when I first met my wife we were out archery hunting and found a tree full of them above the road. I stopped about 20 yards short and got out with the pellet gun, I shot one in the head and it feel straight into the road in front of us flopping. I pumped up the gun and killed another, and another, after 4 or 5 I started to feel bad and my now wife was too. I went and collected up the grouse and the rest just sat in the tree 30' above me and watched.

I always like to have a few in the freezer, they are great to eat. I'm pretty sure it's not legal to use rocks, slingshot or a pellet gun but I think it's more of a grey area and not specified. In OR you can hunt grouse with any shotgun, muzzleloading shotgun, compound, recure or "any type of arrow or point" and you can also use rim fire weapons. It is legal to use a sharpend stick though, LOL, I feel like sharp rocks and pellets count as a "other point"
OP, I've never shot a grouse with my bow but plan to someday using the Zwickey Judo's. They seem to be a good retrievable option if I were to miss.

I hate reading this. I’m right at 4 months.
I will say capital armory made it easy. Except the fact these little cans should really be 200 bucks max out the door.
Are you worried about the CO ban at all? I'd like to take my threaded FN502 with suppressor but the language in their new ban concerns me since it's magazine fed with a threaded barrel.
.22 revolver with CCI short CB rounds. Really quiet. You could run these in a semi .22 pistol but you'll have to cycle them manually.