Grouse Killing Tips

I hate reading this. I’m right at 4 months.
I will say capital armory made it easy. Except the fact these little cans should really be 200 bucks max out the door.

How late ng have you been waiting? My last can approval was 18 days (March) and a friend just had one approved in 31 hours.

you guys..... I roll my eye so hard at hearing this stuff.. I'm old enough to remember when 4 months was fast
But part of this discussion. For grouse I'll have my step son with this fall. I told him that he was coming hunting with me this fall. He wasn't hot on that idea, so I made it more enticing by saying he could bring along the suppressed 22 to shoot grouse and squirrels so we have daily fresh meat.
I don’t mess with grouse when I’m elk hunting. I’ve seen too many arrows go flying away with a bird, arrows get wrecked or other game get spooked off.
you guys..... I roll my eye so hard at hearing this stuff.. I'm old enough to remember when 4 months was fast
My first was 6 months. And that was fast. My second was 5 months. My third was 4 months. My 4 month approval was a bogo deal. Evo and a warlock. The warlock took 18 days. I waited longer for silencerco to ship it to my ffl than my jail time. Once I get out of the village I’ll get another one and I’m hoping it’ll be this 3ish days wait time. Lol
I had one fly off w arrow sticking out of it with rubber blunts. Evers since only judo’s. Many misses, but haven’t lost a hit. The last grouse I had for dinner was actually killed via stick. I was riding my dirt bike, grouse in trail so I stop take my helmet off and he kept waddling towards me. Stick in hand a solid swing to the head, and I had a grouse in my camelback for dinner.
I kill around 30 grouse a year with my bow. I use vpa small game heads and the key is to foot the arrow front and back and carry spare nocks.

The vpa will outlast judos 20 to 1.
I kill around 30 grouse a year with my bow. I use vpa small game heads and the key is to foot the arrow front and back and carry spare nocks.

The vpa will outlast judos 20 to 1.
I use the VPA thumper as well and have had good luck. What do you mean by footing the arrow front and back?
I feel like I’m one of the few here that didn’t have great success with judo points (especially nock-off judo’s). I like the G5 small game heads, never had one fly off or no due immediately after a hit. Granted they are a bit more spendy than others, so when I run out I might look for alternatives. The VPA thumper looks like a good option