So I’m relatively new to archery- and am finding something strange to me at different ranges. Just started shooting more for the spring after only a dozen or two shots a month in my basement all winter. My groups aren’t great at 10-20-30 yards. Baseball to softball size. Coming from a rifle background, it seems they should be getting exponentially worse as the distance grows, but I seem to hold better at longer range? Even on the walking range, my hit percentage at longer range doesn’t seem to match with my lousy shooting at shorter range.
Anyone ever have this happen? Hoping it goes away with increased shooting this spring. I assume there is something in my form that I’m doing differently as range increases, but I couldn’t find it yesterday. Maybe I’ll video next time out.
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Anyone ever have this happen? Hoping it goes away with increased shooting this spring. I assume there is something in my form that I’m doing differently as range increases, but I couldn’t find it yesterday. Maybe I’ll video next time out.
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