Grocery Bill?


Apr 24, 2018
Central Texas
I live in Central Texas and am married with two elementary age boys. We pack their lunch for school everyday and the wife and I both eat out of the fridge. 80% of the meat I eat is ground deer. Our monthly grocery bill is $1471. From my best recollection it was closer to $950-$1000 two years ago. We eat fairly healthy with lots of fresh fruits and veggies and a few speciality items but nothing crazy. Is this insanely expensive or about average for y’all?
I'd say expensive imo. I do not really track ours 100% but I would estimate closer to $700-800 for a family of 4.
I wish I could say we were out of control and it would be fairly easy to cut back but that may save $200 a month at most. With a the price of eggs, coffee, etc up 40% from last year I’m not sure where to cut short of quality. We are by no means struggling so it’s unlikely we will make any major changes but wonder where everyone else is at. Hell we don’t even drink or buy sweets for the house. You may be surprised when you do a 3 month average.
Family of 4 with a 4 year old and 6 year old. We eat deer, elk or moose 4-5 nights a week. Veggies and fruits, Pack kids lunch for school most days. We average $250 a week for the weekly grocery pick up. Up from $180 18ish months ago.
Family of 4 with a 4 year old and 6 year old. We eat deer, elk or moose 4-5 nights a week. Veggies and fruits, Pack kids lunch for school most days. We average $250 a week for the weekly grocery pick up. Up from $180 18ish months ago.
That’s pretty good. Anything y’all avoid like kids snacks etc that helps out?
If we spend less than $2000 a month I am excited. Family of 5.

You know panda fart, organic, free range, vegan, whole-30, bio, non-gmo, non-dairy, gluten free and lactose free gets expensive.

We buy about 90% of what we eat at the Military Commisary and Sams/Costco. I can't imagine what you folks that don't have that option are doing. Everytime I buy a bottle of water or a bag of apples at a Walmart, Target, Albertsons or whatever I want to cry, and we live in New Mexico.

We do buy some things we can't get at the Commissary/Sams/Costco at Spouts or Natural Grocery. I die in side everytime I go there. Not as bad Whole Foods, or Whole Paycheck as I like to call it.
If we spend less than $2000 a month I am excited. Family of 5.

You know panda fart, organic, free range, vegan, whole-30, bio, non-gmo, non-dairy, gluten free and lactose free gets expensive.

We buy about 90% of what we eat at the Military Commisary and Sams/Costco. I can't imagine what you folks that don't have that option are doing. Everytime I buy a bottle of water or a bag of apples at a Walmart, Target, Albertsons or whatever I want to cry, and we live in New Mexico.

We do buy some things we can't get at the Commissary/Sams/Costco at Spouts or Natural Grocery. I die in side everytime I go there. Not as bad Whole Foods, or Whole Paycheck as I like to call it.
I feel your pain. In eggs alone we spend $75 a a month. It’s not unusual for the family to eat almost a dozen for breakfast.
Family of 4, we’re closer to $1800 a month. My kids are a little older at 12 & 16. One works after school and the other has gymnastics twice a week then there’s my erratic schedule so it’s been hard to make family meals to share or time to actually cook at home. We’ve been trying the hello fresh meals as they make it easier while being a good quality, cost wise it’s middle of the road.
Just my wife and I but we eat on about 100 per week. Up from about 60-70 per week a year or two ago.

We only eat out once a month and it’s usually 30-45.

We eat a lot of pork as it’s cheap. We double everything we make and take it for lunches or leftovers for dinner in a couple days.
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We have 5 kids 6-14, and if we are somewhere between 2,000-2,500 a month. We eat some organic vegetables, but don’t buy at Whole Foods or similar. In a blue-collar suburb of Denver. I though we were higher than most, but glad to see not so sky high as I feared:)

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I feel your pain. In eggs alone we spend $75 a a month. It’s not unusual for the family to eat almost a dozen for breakfast.

sack up, move into austin proper and get some chickens.....
city of austin says you can and the evil HOA can not stop you.
That’s pretty good. Anything y’all avoid like kids snacks etc that helps out?
It would be easier to tell you what we eat than what we don't.

Kids breakfast before school is a half of a Daves everything bagel.
Mom breakfast, Rye bread toasted with cream cheese, honey and walnut chunks.
My breakfast, 2 boiled eggs. (we own 6 chickens that are averaging 3 eggs a day right now)

Kid lunches are veggie pouches, fresh cut fruit (blueberries and strawberries are the hot ones right now for the kids), deer summer sausage sandwiches and a yogurt. Sometimes we will throw in a bag of chips or wheat thins/triscutts.
Mom and Dad lunch, Spinach and arugula salad with feta, almonds and chopped grilled chicken breast with homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Bag of baby carrots and broccoli chunks, yogurt.

Dinners, kids eat the same as us. we have to make a weekly menu in order to function and stay the course. We actually just completed this weeks menu...

Mon - Egg roll bowls. Cabbage, Italian sausage, etc.. whatever the wife throws in.
Tues - Hot dog and hamburger. Keto buns.
Wed - Fajitas. Meat, onions, bell peppers, low carb tortilla
Thur - Shrimp and rice noodles
Fri - homemade Pizza (cauliflower crust) and annies Mac and cheese (kids Mac and cheese / movie night)

Wine on the weekends, non caffeine tea with chaga during the week evenings.

Kids and Dad don't drink anything but water. coffee and wine/tea for dad.
Mom drinks fizzy waters plus coffee/wine/tea.

One kid drinks a half gallon of milk a month.

All meat in all of the meals above is meat I process besides the chicken. I make mine own Summer sausage, salami, Italian sausage, breakfast sausage, chorizo, hot dogs, hamburgers, plus the normal grind, roast, loins.

Everything above is our typical purchase menu weekly. Dinners will very slightly, but those themes are pretty consistent.
It would be easier to tell you what we eat than what we don't.

Kids breakfast before school is a half of a Daves everything bagel.
Mom breakfast, Rye bread toasted with cream cheese, honey and walnut chunks.
My breakfast, 2 boiled eggs. (we own 6 chickens that are averaging 3 eggs a day right now)

Kid lunches are veggie pouches, fresh cut fruit (blueberries and strawberries are the hot ones right now for the kids), deer summer sausage sandwiches and a yogurt. Sometimes we will throw in a bag of chips or wheat thins/triscutts.
Mom and Dad lunch, Spinach and arugula salad with feta, almonds and chopped grilled chicken breast with homemade oil/vinegar dressing. Bag of baby carrots and broccoli chunks, yogurt.

Dinners, kids eat the same as us. we have to make a weekly menu in order to function and stay the course. We actually just completed this weeks menu...

Mon - Egg roll bowls. Cabbage, Italian sausage, etc.. whatever the wife throws in.
Tues - Hot dog and hamburger. Keto buns.
Wed - Fajitas. Meat, onions, bell peppers, low carb tortilla
Thur - Shrimp and rice noodles
Fri - Pizza and annies Mac and cheese (kids Mac and cheese / movie night)

Wine on the weekends, non caffeine tea with chaga during the week evenings.

Kids and Dad don't drink anything but water. coffee and wine/tea for dad.
Mom drinks fizzy waters plus coffee/wine/tea.

One kid drinks a half gallon of milk a month.

All meat in all of the meals above is meat I process besides the chicken. I make mine own Summer sausage, salami, Italian sausage, breakfast sausage, chorizo, hot dogs, hamburgers, plus the normal grind, roast, loins.

Everything above is our typical purchase menu weekly. Dinners will very slightly, but those themes are pretty consistent.
I appreciate it. We are pretty similar except your meal plan probably helps a good bit. I does look like we probably eat more food. My boys are tanks and I probably break even at 2500-2700 calories a day.