Grocery Bill?

Family of 5, the girls are about to turn 8 and the boy is about to turn 12. She packs them lunches for school and I typically eat left overs at work. Or make cold cut sandwiches. I’d be surprised if we are under 1750 a month. I don’t keep track of it. All I know is my savings has dropped over 30g in the last 3 years. If it’s not one thing it’s another.
Family of 5. Kids 5, 9, 13. We budget 1000 a month here in Nebraska but that includes products like TP, paper towels, etc.

We hit Costco, Walmart and our local grocery store and eat pretty healthy with mostly foods we cook not buying prepared foods. Our benefit is my brother raises beef for slaughter and I buy in on calves so my beef is essentially at cost. Between elk and deer we were a 1/2 a beef a year family, but with my oldest hitting puberty and gaining about 25lbs of muscle in the last year and a half we are now going to be at least 1 whole beef a year, that or a whole lot more deer and elk!
Family of 4, two daughters age 8 and 12. I do most of the grocery shopping so I know what we spend.

Roughly $700-800/month. Spend more in the summertime because I buy more things for grilling out. Wintertime we do lots of crockpot meals. Eat on them for several days.

We go out to eat maybe once a month. I pack lunch every day for myself at work. Tuna packets, PB and j, left overs.
Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have become more economical than standard groceries especially for eggs. Interesting how much the typical grocery stores have raised their prices.
2 of us get by on about $100-$125/week for groceries. But I eat out for lunch a couple times a week and we will go out for dinner every now and again. We buy beef "bulk" and catch fish. If our cow supply ever dries up, will have to shoot more deer.

Our groceries have doubled in cost, possibly more and we rarely buy meat. Chicken gets bought mostly when its on sale.

There is a good bit we don't actualize because we trade for fresh vegetables we don't grow in the summer or I buy a 1/2 cow. No clue what our cost is on wild game other than seasoning or not actualized time
Household of 2 with 2 dogs. I’d say we spend 500.00 a month including the dogs food. Primarily shop at Winco
House of 6. Wife and I, 4 boys. We average about $1000/ month. All of our food comes from Sam's. I buy Pork and chicken. Red meat is deer and elk.

Eggs here are $2.90/dozen. Just bought some yesterday. We have chickens but they aren't laying much as we don't keep them under lights.
We around $1500/month for a family of six. That includes the household goods also. Some of you guys do it pretty cheap. We have a 1 month old that formula cost $240/month
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Our family of 4 with 4 & 6 year old age kids is $800-$1000 a month. We shop at Sam’s and buying bulk does help the bill.
Family of 5, all under 8yrs old. About $700 a month, we raise all our own meat, except what hunt and catch. Only thing that puts us over, is when she gets a wild hair and wants to spend $ 75 on ingredients to make a single meal that she saw on Pinterest. "Honey maybe we should have eaten take out tonight"