I imagine that i have more experience with the ESA than most. I have a Biological Opinion from USFWS on Grizzly Bears in the GYE dated two days ago.
It is known and acknowledged that the GYE and Northern Continental Divide populations are healthy, robust, and resilient, but there are other essential populations that are not (bitterroot, cabinet-yaak, and Selkirk) recovered at all, or occupied even in the case of the bitterroot.
The two recovered populations are considered essential for the success of the other populations, which I’m inclined to agree with.
The service is proposing to remove the distinct population segments and change the listed entity to be the “lower 48,” i believe this will clarify the recovery goals for the species overall.
Do i think that they should be delisted? I don’t know, living in the GYE it’s hard to argue against on a local level, but looking at the swaths of unoccupied wilderness in the northern Rockies im inclined to agree that the species as a whole isn’t recovered, but they’re close.
Full disclaimer:I’m an unabashed and unapologetic bear lover.