Grizzly Bear Introduction

Just read about that.

I’m wondering where we will release the Wooly Mammoths when we reincarnate them lol

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I'm for it. There has to be checks and balances... which I know hasn't happened with wolves, coyotes, so there's that... However, this area is massive - 3 million acres (Yellowstone proper is 2.2 m) - and I highly doubt 25-200 bears are going to ruin everything. Maybe they'll help remove some of the invasive bovidaes roaming there.

How many of you have even been to this area? I hunt there... without objecting on principle, I suggest you read the 300+ page environmental report. Initially, I wasn't a fan, but now I just don't think there is as much to worry about. Ecosystem _Sept 2023.pdf&sfid=676305
I'm for it. There has to be checks and balances... which I know hasn't happened with wolves, coyotes, so there's that... However, this area is massive - 3 million acres (Yellowstone proper is 2.2 m) - and I highly doubt 25-200 bears are going to ruin everything. Maybe they'll help remove some of the invasive bovidaes roaming there.

How many of you have even been to this area? I hunt there... without objecting on principle, I suggest you read the 300+ page environmental report. Initially, I wasn't a fan, but now I just don't think there is as much to worry about. Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan-Environmental Impact Statement North Cascades Ecosystem _Sept 2023.pdf&sfid=676305
The problem is there isn’t any checks and balances… nothing can be done when there’s 300 and they are expanding into places they weren’t intended to go. I don’t see how you could look at recent wolf reintroduction and the ever expanding grizzly problem and say I want more of that?
I'm for it. There has to be checks and balances...
Oh sheesh....where do I start..

How is that working out for managing Wolves and Grizz in the Yellowstone eco system? Its terrible. Lawsuits and constant legal BS has hindered the F&G for a decade. The money spent on these predators for management, lawsuits, EIR's, livestock reimbursement- it's a huge suck. The F&G pros are hamstrung and spending much of their effort on these predators. Thats not to mention the odd hiker and hunter they kill.

You have been fed a line of BS. There is no checks and balance when these deadly predators are involved and we have recent history to learn from in the Yellowstone ecosystem.

Contrast that with managing the ecosystem with hunters. It's net positive. Money is generated for the F&G...and for the economy. They can ramp tags up or down as humans get the benefit of a low fat high protein meat source.

Cmon man, its catering to the anti hunters who are behind this...don't be fooled by names like, Center for Biological's an anti hunting org is all.

Think about it, how does the F&G manage an eco system when 2 major predators run out of control. Ridiculous that they are making the claim it's good for the ecosystem.