Gritty Bowmen switching to Sitka??

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I have to put money back for every paycheck to be able to afford my hunting gear, I am envious but in no way begrudge someone for getting free gear/getting paid for what they do. And if I had to hashtag every pic on instagram or wear a beanie in every sunset to get that I would. I drive a 2005 high mileage chevy.... but if ford wanted to send me a truck right now I'm sure as shit not turning it down. There's guys that use shitty gear and say it's the best to get paid for it. That's not at all what this is. Sitka, First Lite, and quite a few others make great gear and I think we will still get honesty from these guys regardless. I'm a devoted listers and will continue to be :)

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Ryan, I can only imagine the BS you have to deal with, but it's no different then managing employees, part of your job is to listen to all the bitching and filter out actual comments with value.

If they actual care about their product(goes for everything) they will take the good with the bad and adjust accordingly.

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Except I didn't get to interview or hire my 20,000 plus "employees" :)

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Just watched the interview with Donnie. One of the best episodes yet. Hope you guys get him back on the show again to talk more hunting stories.

+1 , my thoughts exactly. I thought it was a great podcast. and content was spot on. the hunting industry is getting outta control with wannabes and fake hunters.
I will chime in on this, just for fun, maybe just maybe they are trying to share the wealth so to speak. I am pretty sure that they are aware of how many people follow them and I would guess that Sitka and FL do as well. So maybe they want to give people who might not be interested in FL an honest opinion of Sitka or whoever ? Heck what do I know!? I look like a yard sale when it comes to my wardrobe! :p
Sitka is owned by GORE. No doubt there pockets are deeper than First Light. Sitka and FL are both top notch clothing companies. When they start being sponsored by the reatree line sold at wal mart I'll complain.
I started thinking about it, I have a bunch of gear Aron recommended in the first few podcasts because of his review/recommendation.

I was a bit harsh in my initial comments, for that I'll apologize.
I can see it now... all the top names in the hunting industry as they walk down the camo carpet to attend whatever award show, I can see the paparazzi and all of the reporters asking the stars " who are you wearing" and all of the gushing fans oohing and ahhhing! I get positively giddy just thinking about it!!!:eek: There, I hope this brings some humor into this thread I mean ZERO disrespect.:D
Except I didn't get to interview or hire my 20,000 plus "employees" :)

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I saw too on their intagram that he was wearing sitka and was wondering the same. Obviously theres packs are going to be from kifaru but i would find it very interesting not to be tied to certain gear company's, test different products and give honest unbiased reviews of the products. I know this probably would never happen but it would change things from the norm for people who work in the hunting industry and are tied to brand xyz and no one else

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Very true!

I've been thinking about not running it for that reason a lot lately.

But if I leave, I'm banning you before I go!

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For those that really want to get rid of their FL gear please send me your L outerwear and XL base layers. Fair warning though....I will mix it some Sitka. ;)

God Bless!
I don't listen to any podcasts and didn't know till recently that my IPhone has a podcast button but this thread has a ton of judging and assuming going on. Lots of folks getting butt hurt for a guy trying to make a living. In reality does it really matter what gear someone else is using or why they chose a certain brand? If they did switch and people want to follow suit then I am all for that just sell your First Lite stuff cheap for a quick sale.
I'd be suspicious of any opinion that comes from a single perspective. The only way to form an educated conclusion on what works and what doesn't is to try a lot of gear. If the goal if finding the best gear, sharing that info with other hunters, and then pushing for better products in the industry they aught to be testing out all the options.
We had to have a guide to hunt Alberta mule deer....No choice.

I also had to have a guide to hunt grizzly in BC.

We did kill a wolf, elk, mule deer and turkey without a guide.

Doing our best, but some situations call for a guide to make it legal.

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And WTF is with SNO-Balls. Nuclear pink, shelf stable hydrogenated gut bombs. Who made this stuff? Who eats this stuff? It's like some clock work orange version of a Twinkie.

So to recap:

No more ads on Gritty bowmen
More hot chicks on Vikings
Get rid of SNO-Balls

I will keep thinking of other things to complain about. You guys keep going.
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