I listened to enough of this to podcast to feel like I had heard enough. I've been there and fished for bull trout with the catch card prior to the regulations being "clarified". If you understand how the Montana fish regs are organized by district and waterbody in terms of special regulations and general regulations there is no way you could misinterpret them. The literature with the catch card was pretty clear too. And if you don't understand either you should ask, ignorance is simply negligence. Only the mainstem South Fork is open, I don't see how it could be misinterpreted. Just because a map shows other tributaries for reference doesn't mean they are open for bull trout fishing unless it is explicitly stated in the regs as an exception to general regulations or is explicitly stated in the catch card info. If they did treat those fish like has been asserted, that is also a violation of Montana law. I was a little taken aback by the way Mr. Call and the Montana Wild duo were so able to rationalize violations of the law. Have I ever broken a game law, hell yes, I was an unscrupulous killer of everything that moved as a pre-teen with a .22 and shotgun. Do I do it now? No because it just doesn't feel right. Even throwing the exact same streamers I throw on the east side of the divide where bullies aren't present is an ethical conundrum on the west side. If browns are present, like in the mainstem Blackfoot, no problem. But would I really go to cutthroat tribs and throw streamers in hopes of catching a slightly larger class of cutt? To be honest, no, which is why I don't do it, I know what is in my heart even though it could be rationalized as targeting bigger cutts. I try not to judge lest I be judged, but the rationalization just kills me. And I am so disappointed in the direction of Gritty, I used to enjoy it, now the total commercialized aspect and pretentiousness just destroys the show. I don't know Brian from Adam and I'm sure he is a great guy, but his demeanor on the show has changed so much I can't listen to it, so I don't unless it is something I am very interested in like the Montana Wild poaching backstory.