Greetings! Born in WI, Live in WA, Guide in MT, Moving to NZ...

Aug 31, 2019
Greetings, Roksliders!

My name is Danny - I'm new here. I've utilized Rokslide like I do many other internet resources to plan for a hunt, research gear, and think things through when it comes to hunting questions I cook up. I love Rokslide as it's like sitting in a bar, surrounded by experienced hunters, and I thought I'd become a member and try to contribute a little to the conversation when I can. I love the community that hunting can create - I'll be looking to learn and share as I go along here.

I'm 35 years in now; I was born hunting in the Northwoods of Wisconsin - sitting all day in a treestand with a bow as a boy or driving deer from the thickets and greenswamps with a rifle or muzzleloader in hand as the temps dropped. My parents raised me to spend my free moments outside so my work life has followed a seasonal outdoor pattern since high school.

My parents eventually moved to Ekalaka, Montana, where they run a mom & pop outfitter for elk, pronghorn antelope (I know - not a true antelope), mule deer, and whitetail deer. They also run hunters for spring turkey often and fall upland bird occasionally. I've enjoyed the luxury of working as a guide and hunting in Eastern Montana (one of the finest corners of the hunting planet - if I have a vote) for the last decade or so. Early out of college (go Wisconsin Badgers!) I spent three summers working as a river guide in Utah and Colorado. From there it was off-seasons as a naturalist guide from Seattle to Olympic National Park, Mt. Rainier National Park, Mt. St. Helens National Monument, North Cascades National Park, and the San Juan Islands.

Recently, I've lived in Seattle for eight years in the non-hunting seasons with my wife and now our one-year-old little boy.

Anyhow - this is a hunting forum so I'll try to angle back that way. My love of tough hunting since youth, appreciation for a day in the hills over a tag on an antler, and Montana-honed approach to spot-and-stalk hunting means you'll find me out hunting from the high ground (when available) and I'm going to glass it up before I screw it up. I love carrying a bow - but Montana's really limited bag numbers mean I generally don't shoot until late in gun season (I don't ever want the hunt to end). Living in Seattle has made staying tight with a bow more difficult so I'll be working to get back in bow shape with a big move coming up...

This September, my wife, little one, and I are moving to Dunedin, South Island of New Zealand for a while. She's accepted a gig there, I'll take my current job with me remotely, and I'll try to do a little documenting of my next big hunting project - DIY hunting in New Zealand. We'll be there for a full year to begin and go from there. Aside from some of the great forum posts here and a few blogs and NZ Government websites - it does feel daunting to relocate and then figure out doing some quality hunting. I'll try to take some notes for everyone on my struggles and successes - don't be afraid to send me a note if you're trying to figure out whitewater rafting in the West, hunting in Eastern Montana, or have a really great secret spot on the South Island of New Zealand that's in need of an American ;) If not a secret hunting spot - let me know if you have a great South Island beer spot, hiking trail, or cafe for reading a good book.

Gratitude, Rokslide!

Danny (glasshopper)


Dec 4, 2018
Welcome glasshopper! You and I would probably have some fun sharing a few cold ones. I'm originally from Utard and have spent some fine time running cataract and Desolation whitewater.
Well as much as I love southern Utah, northern Utah got to be a joke, so off I ,went for Montana.
Almost 15 years later and my go to antelope grounds are the Broadus ekalaka powder river zone.
I had one of the best hunts of my life this year on the South island for tahr. Good call on the move, somewhat jealous. Not giving away any secrets yet though as I'll be back in 2020 more than likely. We did find a fantastic pub in ashburton...look for the big guniess sign on the main highway. Also make some time and take some spare cash over to Geraldine and hit the swaze outlet store. Good luck in all your adventures down there!