Anyone else blessed with a family heirloom gun or two?
My grandpa was a farmer in North Central Montana and wasnt rich, but wasn't poor either. He worked hard for what he had. But he was also a gun nut and loved fancy quality guns. He was really into handloading and accurate guns.
As a kid I'd sometimes have to ask to borrow a rifle because I hadnt yet bought my own. It was pretty special following grandpa to his closet where guns would almost fall out because of how many he had crammed in there lol!
He passed in 2010 and last year my mom was able to pass a few of the rifles down to my dad and I. My dad's dad was the south end of a north bound donkey. So her dad was the one who got my dad into hunting after he came home from Nam.
My favorite I ended up with was a 1960 German Weatherby in 270 Wby!
First time out with it I shot my first bear!
An old Sako in 222 Rem. Honestly I want a modern 222. What a little sweetheart of a cartridge! I can buy Hornady for $17 or handload for a few cents! First time out I got a yote! Then this summer I was nailing praire dogs with her!
My dad ended up with a Browning B78 I'm 22-250. Being the nice son I am I offered my old Leupold XVII for it. Also I'd sight it in. When we first got it the trigger was horrible. But our smith fixed it down to a very good varmint rifle weight. Sure enough yesterday afternoon after sighting it in I shot a big yote! And I suck at yote hunting when I'm actually looking for them!
I guess he had a few rifles in the collection that still had the tags on them, never fired!
I guess that's one thing a person who is against guns or a non hunter/shooter will never understand is the bonds that are established and memories made with guns.
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My grandpa was a farmer in North Central Montana and wasnt rich, but wasn't poor either. He worked hard for what he had. But he was also a gun nut and loved fancy quality guns. He was really into handloading and accurate guns.
As a kid I'd sometimes have to ask to borrow a rifle because I hadnt yet bought my own. It was pretty special following grandpa to his closet where guns would almost fall out because of how many he had crammed in there lol!
He passed in 2010 and last year my mom was able to pass a few of the rifles down to my dad and I. My dad's dad was the south end of a north bound donkey. So her dad was the one who got my dad into hunting after he came home from Nam.
My favorite I ended up with was a 1960 German Weatherby in 270 Wby!
First time out with it I shot my first bear!
An old Sako in 222 Rem. Honestly I want a modern 222. What a little sweetheart of a cartridge! I can buy Hornady for $17 or handload for a few cents! First time out I got a yote! Then this summer I was nailing praire dogs with her!
My dad ended up with a Browning B78 I'm 22-250. Being the nice son I am I offered my old Leupold XVII for it. Also I'd sight it in. When we first got it the trigger was horrible. But our smith fixed it down to a very good varmint rifle weight. Sure enough yesterday afternoon after sighting it in I shot a big yote! And I suck at yote hunting when I'm actually looking for them!
I guess he had a few rifles in the collection that still had the tags on them, never fired!
I guess that's one thing a person who is against guns or a non hunter/shooter will never understand is the bonds that are established and memories made with guns.
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