Gov. K. Hochul (d - NY)

Dec 13, 2023
Gov. Hochul of NY has enlisted the help of the Nat'l Guard to help the transit police (NYPD?) maintain a degree of safety in subway stations!
One of the greatest deterrents the Nat'l Guard has, their long guns, Gov. Hochul has banned them from carrying, except in specific locations.

News flash.

There have been NG troops in the transit system for years. used to walk past them on the regular in Grand Central. They wear body army and carry pistols. It’s also not uncommon to see NYPD SWAT and non-SWAT officers with long guns in and around the subways and the city.

I have been out for a long time, but I can tell you, that you probably don’t want a standard issue national guard troop ripping off rounds with an m4 in a subway station, regardless of the threat.
News flash.

There have been NG troops in the transit system for years. used to walk past them on the regular in Grand Central. They wear body army and carry pistols. It’s also not uncommon to see NYPD SWAT and non-SWAT officers with long guns in and around the subways and the city.

I have been out for a long time, but I can tell you, that you probably don’t want a standard issue national guard troop ripping off rounds with an m4 in a subway station, regardless of the threat.
I was in the guard and you’re not wrong haha. 13b we could go sit there with the 155 for a real show of force.
News flash.

There have been NG troops in the transit system for years. used to walk past them on the regular in Grand Central. They wear body army and carry pistols. It’s also not uncommon to see NYPD SWAT and non-SWAT officers with long guns in and around the subways and the city.

I have been out for a long time, but I can tell you, that you probably don’t want a standard issue national guard troop ripping off rounds with an m4 in a subway station, regardless of the threat.

I am not sure the idea of NG troops ripping off rounds with handguns makes me feel much more secure. 😀

I think she is just trying to tone down the optics. Last time they had the bag check / stop and frisk thing going in the subways it was a flash point. There was some decent evidence that people of color were having a harder time with the searchers than others. They were also picking up a lot of tourists with pocket knives. It was a shit show and I think there were some legal challenges to the admissibility of some of the findings.

i don’t live in / around NYC anymore but my friends report that crime is up and the subways feel less safe than they have for years. That may not mean a lot to people that don’t live in NYC but the subway is the ONLY practical and affordable way for nearly the entire population to move around in the city. riding is generally uneventful, but there are times it presents challenges. For those that haven’t experienced it, if you live in a suburb and commute by car, Try to imagine of you had a random homeless person sleeping on the floor of your local Starbucks and a random deranged lunatic that you have to let ride in your car for a few miles of your morning commute that is screaming obscenities from 2 feet away. Now one of those people randomly shoves Someone on the train tracks or slashes someone with a box cutter.

NYC is like a lot of other cities in the sense that their police department numbers are run down. Simultaneously, crime is up, in part due to policies that either don’t prosecute or don’t jail “low“ level offenders. Now they are in crack down and show of force mode to make it appear that they are doing things leading into the elections I suspect.
typical liberal, destroy the place where you are and then migrate/repeat.
Yup. My cousin lives not far from her house. He said that the city council of the very small town he lives near (my extended family has lived in the area since the 50s), is getting filled up with out of town people with 'great' ideas.
NG troops are soldiers with no law enforcement powers. Even if they are military police that does not qualify them to perform law enforcement functions in the dangerous NY subway.

It’s just a matter of time for a NG troop to get in a fight with someone that has severe mental illnesses. Look at some examples of NYPD officers being assaulted.

My guess is that the NG will be there very briefly to make a statement. Once the statement is made, they will be withdrawn before they get involved in a violent incident.