Gosh dangit!!!!!!!


Feb 24, 2012
Salem, OR
I just go the worse news a man excited to go elk hunting could get. My boss told me I can't take the week off I had planned for Elk hunting! All the other weeks are booked with other stuff. This is not happening to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was going to go the week of September 8-15th but now I will just go the 15th-22nd. I can go the first two weeks too I just had a baby though and was being nice to the wife for going later. I just thought I had some wedding or something that last week. Oh well last year I think the rut was closer to the end anyways.
*cough*cough* sorry boss I can't control when I'm sick......but that isn't really frowned upon by my bosses, people call in sick for the day while tootin duck calls in the background

good luck rearranging your schedule, that sucks man
My boss tried that once... I told him the only reason I work is so that I can afford to hunt. If I can't hunt when I want, then I don't really need this job. Comprende?
Honestly my bosses are really good about everything and If I would have remember that one due date I would have left the week before probably and will just do that in years to come. Maybe I will do opening week and the last week too and get 2 weeks of hunting in!
Living to hunt pretty much sums up my life. Try missing the whole season once.... I won't be hunting until December....

I am sure you will figure something out.

Darin, your comment takes the cake! I will save that one just in case my job after I am done with Uncle Sam tries to stiff me :)
Living to hunt pretty much sums up my life. Try missing the whole season once.... I won't be hunting until December....

I am sure you will figure something out.

Darin, your comment takes the cake! I will save that one just in case my job after I am done with Uncle Sam tries to stiff me :)

been there done that, missed three seasons in a 4 year military commitment, it sucks...all done with that and they wont get another season from me ever!
I don't know, if I had to choose between the dates you had and the dates your taking now I would choose the later (and have :) ). That's prime time usually around here.
My boss tried that once... I told him the only reason I work is so that I can afford to hunt. If I can't hunt when I want, then I don't really need this job. Comprende?

I had a boss that tried aswell.... took him a while to figure out why I wasnt there when he got to work opening day.

Couple years later a different manger tried to tell me I couldnt go a few days before the opener. A couple guys higher up the chain explained it didnt matter if he approved or not I was going to go.... He ended up approving my time off. Was easy to walk away back then, little harder now that its not just me.
I like hunting...no I love hunting but I sure like my house and food and clothes etc etc. Good start for another thread on how many times have you had to miss a season....never mind that sounds reallyyyyy sad
I don't know, if I had to choose between the dates you had and the dates your taking now I would choose the later (and have :) ). That's prime time usually around here.

That is why I am not worried now. I just thought my brother in-laws wedding was the next weekend, but he was smart and its not till after season. ;) So I am okay now. Just about went nuts for an hour though before I found that out. Who knows I may fill my tags before I even leave. I have some real close local spots that have good elk and deer signs so far. I am checking a few cameras tonight though.

Have any of you filled tags hunting the weekends before a big hunt?