Going without binos to bow hunt?


Apr 8, 2018
Not sure if this is better for this or the archery forum. I was in a tree stand yesterday and started wondering whether I really needed to carry my full size binos (10x42 Zeiss, which I love) into the stand for a bow hunt. I've typically gone with "it can't hurt to have them" but I'm now I'm trying to reevaluate. Do I go with pocket binos? Without binos? FYI/FWIW, I carry my binos on my chest in a Marsupial pouch and a RF attached in its own pouch. No plans to drop the binos when I elk hunt, or hunt with a rifle. And I will always carry the RF.

As best I can think, here are the pros and cons for tree stand bowhunting:
  1. Pros - binos may let me see stuff earlier (to be better prepared), and in more detail ("is that a deer, or that same rock?") especially low light. They also sometimes just help pass the time. (I say "may" because the deer I saw yesterday I spotted first without the binos.)
  2. Cons - extra gear and weight, and with straps across my chest. As for seeing more detail in low light, if I can't see that it's not a button buck without the binos, I'm personally not going to shoot anyway. (I'm also currently not looking at taking shots over 40 yards.)
I did try yesterday to see how well I could use my RF to cover #1. It worked ok, but it's not the same. Anyway, I'm always looking to be a minimalist when I can, and any topic to keep me busy with gear is helpful. And whatever you do, please don't unanimously say to get the Swaro CLs. Or the Zeiss or Leica pockets....

TIA for any feedback!
I don’t hunt without my binos(Swaro slc 10x42). I hang mine when I get in the stand. I like my bino chest harness for out West, but can’t stand it for treestand or turkey hunting.
I don’t hunt without my binos(Swaro slc 10x42). I hang mine when I get in the stand. I like my bino chest harness for out West, but can’t stand it for treestand or turkey hunting.
Well, now that's a pretty practical solution. Do you end up using them pretty frequently when in the stand?
I dont bring them. I used to so I could better score deer but with archery I can usually do that with the naked eye, and if I can't I probably won't get the shot anyway. One less thing to carry in.
Soooooo if I understand what you all are saying, I should stop looking at the Victory Pocket 8x25, and the Maven B3. etc. :cry::cool: Not cool @Aaronpaul14. Although I strongly suspect a half a binocular won't differ too much from my RF, I will now go down a small rabbit hole to confirm that.... Now if only they made a half a bino RF combo.
Quality is way better than a range finder. Especially the 10x42 specs. I got mine fairly cheap on another sites classifieds. One of the better monoculars I’ve tried.
I live in the Northeast. Have bowhunted for 20 years+ and up until a few years ago, never used them while whitetail/treestand bowhunting. Now, I don't hunt without them. I can see SO much more with them. Especially antlers or not.
I run a marsupial chest rig with a rangefinder pouch. My binos are either swaro el 8x32 or el 10x42 depending on type hunting and time of year. My rangefinder is a leica crf2400.
I do not hunt without them
I do not scout without them
I basically do not do anything hunting related without the rig on my chest.
I have a spuds cloth soft brush and havalon knife in the front pocket and I am set.
To me the benefits of carrying this gear are endless.
This is my go to for whitetail archery.

Bushnell Legend Ultra HD Monocular, Black, 10 x 42-mm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006U3ZIVC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_BaJ9FbDYBPKZB
I can vouch that the image in this monocular is really dang good. And it's got a tripod mount underneath of it too. 2 birds one stone. And the belt clip is nice and very stiff. It won't fall off by accident.

EDIT: Here's a sample image I snapped just holding my cellphone up to it by hand. The Does and fawn are at 100yds. (Don't remember what magnification I had the cellphone cam set to)

NOTE: The image your eyes sees is crystal. It's always tricky to get the handheld cellphone pic to look anywhere near as good, also this is from 2015, so cellphone cam tech has advanced even more since then.

SIDE NOTE: Incidentally, this monocular here was what let me know the first cheapie Redfield spotting scope I'd bought wasn't worth a damn. I could see a more clear image thru this Bushnell Legend Ultra HD then I could thru that Redfield Rampage, so I just gave it away to a family member.


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I have wondered the same thing for antelope hunting out of a blind. I end up bringing them because looking through them is a way to pass the time.
In the thick stuff, where you're going into a stand you're gonna be on all day... I'm sure a case could be made for not necessarily needing them... BUT!... IF not having them with you that day is what led to you not seeing a buck on your way too the stand... or... led to you not seeing a buck you could have potentially called out to with a grunt call to pull him in closer to your stand for a shot... how mad would you be with yourself?
Always carry binoculars! Deer stand hunting will be my ZEISS 8x42 if I’m on fields. Even if I can’t shut them it’s good to observe different places they travel. Or just know the animals. If tight timber I use the same small swaro cl companions 8-30 I use elk hunting archery when on the move.

it’s a system for me, chest rig with a bino, range finder, wind indicator and incidentals.
I mainly hunt whitetail out of a stand and used to never carry them. I finally bought a decent pair, along with a harness, and now I couldn't imagine not having them. If nothing else it gives you something to do scanning with them in the slow times. They're just handy.